Which Win10 versions does Microsoft prepare for public downloads?


Win10 Home reported that the Win10 technology preview has been released for nearly a month. Microsoft is currently compiling the new Windows 10 version every day, but only a few versions are pushed to the public, specifically hundreds of builds. Two.

So the question is coming, how does Microsoft decide which versions will be available to public users for download.

Microsoft's Win10 development department has more than one. Different departments are responsible for different issues. For example, the fbl_release department is responsible for testing and pushing the version to the public, while the main department that develops Win10 functions is the Winmain department.

Winmain has developed a new version one by one that will be sent to fbl_release for testing, but even if fbl_release continues to get new versions, it does not mean that users will be upgraded in the first place.

fbl_release has a set of body push schemes, called Flight Level, which contain two levels, high level and low level. The low level build version will be pushed to the public for testing. The other high level will also provide users with downloads, but not for mass users, but for Microsoft partners.

fbl_release gets a new version every day, but most versions of the Flight Level are HIGH, and very few Build versions with the label LOW will be available for download to the public.

There is another problem, in the "Computer Settings", in the Preview Build tab of the Update and Recovery page, the two options for getting the speed of the new version are Fast and Slow. Very simple, the Build version of these two options is the Low level version in the Flight level, set to Fast will get the Low level version push as fast as possible, and set to Slow will also get the same version, but the acquisition speed will be Slower. (Via: Winbeta)

Check out the Build tab, or want to know which versions will be available to users who have a mass download.

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