Computer store news: June has arrived, and Steam has also released the latest "May 2016 platform survey data" report. Based on the user software and hardware information it collects, the Windows 10 64-bit operating system is still the first choice for Steam players. Not only that, but its share is up 1.99 percentage points from April this year, with 40.17% of the results of other Windows versions & mdash; & mdash; and Windows 10 64 bit over Windows 7 64 bit, this happened only 2 months ago .
Nowadays, Windows 10 has already replaced the status of Windows 7 and the share of Windows operating systems has reached 95.39%.
Interestingly, OS X rose by 0.1 percentage point (to 3.67%) overall, while Linux fell by 0.06 percentage points (to 0.84%) overall.
After talking about the system, let's take a look at the hardware. According to Steam's May data, the player's average memory capacity has reached 8GB, and Intel processors have pressed AMD with 76.76%.
HTC Vive's popularity in virtual reality gaming has reached 66.61% (Oculus Rift is crying in the toilet).
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