Win10 free upgrade credit? Win8.1 global share first super XP


Computer store news: The global operating system market share distribution has changed again. According to statistics from Net Applications, Win7 is not only the leader, but also the market share reached a record high of 60.98%. This is also the first time that Windows 7's global market share has exceeded 60%.

The second place is Win8.1, with 13.12% of users using this system, which has exceeded the share of 11.98%, ranking third in Windows XP. system. The fourth is still Apple's Mac OS X system, the share of 10.10 is 4.54%. Win8 also has 2.9% of users continue to use, ranking fifth. Vista and Linux systems are also used by 1.62% and 1.61% of users, respectively, ranking sixth and seventh. The remaining 3.26% belong to a common share of various other operating systems.

Compared with Net Applications' statistics in May, it was found that Win7 and Win8.1 have a significant increase in global share. In addition to Win7's record high, Win8.1 alone can exceed the market share of “Tai Shang Huang”; XP is also a phenomenon worthy of attention; while the share of XP and Win8 systems has declined. Considering that Microsoft allows Win7/Win8.1 users to upgrade for free within the first year after Win10 is released, the change in statistics in June may not be unexpected.

Of course, from the perspective of data analysis, the Windows 10 free upgrade policy may be indispensable for the obvious increase in Win7/Win8.1 occupancy. But whether this part of the new users can be converted into Win10 users, but also continue to pay attention to the future market performance of Win10 to draw conclusions.

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