Computer Shop News: We have previously announced a number of useful shortcut keys in the Win10 system, and today brought the Win10 Edge browser keyboard shortcuts organized by foreign media. These shortcuts will help you be more efficient when using Microsoft Edge, as follows:
1.Ctrl + D Add current website to favorites or read list
2. Ctrl + E Open a search query in the address bar
3.Ctrl + F for web search
4.Ctrl + H Open history
5.Ctrl + I Open Favorites
6.Ctrl + J Open Download History
7.Ctrl + K Copy Open Tab Page
8.Ctrl + L/F4/Alt + D Select Address Bar
9.Ctrl + N Open a new window
10.Ctrl + P Print the current page
11.Ctrl + R/F5 Refresh the page
12.Ctrl + T New Tab Page
13.Ctrl + W Close Current Tab Page
14.Ctrl + Shift + P Open a new InPrivate Browse Window
15.Ctrl + Shift + R Enter the reading view
16.Ctrl +1, 2, 3,…, 8 Switch to a specific tab
17.Ctrl + 9 Switch to the end Tab
18.Ctrl + Plus (+) Zoom increases by 2 5%
19.Ctrl + minus (-) Zoom by 25%
20.Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom level
21.Backspace or Alt + left arrow Back
22.Alt + Right Arrow Forward
23.Esc Stop Page Loading
24.Press and hold Ctrl + click to open the clicked link in the new tab
25.Ctrl + Tab Switch to the next tab
26.Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switch to the previous tab
27.Ctrl + Shift + Click on the new tab Open the clicked link and switch to the tab
28.Alt + Shift + Click to open the clicked link in a new window
Although we can also use the mouse, touchpad or touch The screen does the above, but knowing the above shortcuts will make our operation more convenient.
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