Win10 New Edge Browser: Leading Google and Apple Benchmarks


Computer Store News: In Win10, the Edge browser is maturing. In the latest Build 10122, Edge has enabled a new tab page, browsing history is available, and support for InPrivate privacy mode browsing. In addition to these external changes, the performance of the Edge browser is also very significant, especially the Chakra JavaScript engine.

In a recent test, Microsoft Edge led the Google Octane 2.0 and Apple Jet Stream benchmarks in a 64-bit browser.

▲ Google Octane 2.0 test situation (the higher the score, the better the score)

▲ Apple Jet Stream test situation (the higher the score, the higher the score Good)

The scope of this test is four 64-bit browsers, Microsoft Edge for Windows10, IE11, Google Chrome Canary 44.0.2398.0, and Firefox Alpha 40.0a1. In addition to IE11, all three other browsers are beta. From the results of the scoring results, the four browsers have little difference between the two benchmarks, Edge browser has obvious advantages, Chrome and Firefox are behind, and “older” IE browser latest version has a significant disadvantage The bottom of the ranking.

Windows applications written in HTML/CSS/JS by Microsoft Edge and Win10 are powered by the Chakra JavaScript engine. From the performance of the Chakra JavaScript engine alone, Microsoft does need to replace IE11, and the successor Edge browser is indeed a big task

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