Computer Store News: In Windows, you can use themes to help make your desktop more personal. The theme can change the desktop background, window border color, sound and screen saver on your computer at the same time. You can switch the theme at any time as needed. You can also create custom themes and share them with friends and family.
What is a theme?
The theme is a combination of pictures, colors, and sounds. Topics include:
Parts of the theme
Desktop background. Provide a background image, color, or design for the window that is open on the desktop. The desktop background can be a single picture or a slide show. You can choose the desktop background image that comes with Windows, or you can use your own image.
The color of the window border. The color of the window border and the taskbar. The theme can contain a specific window border color, or you can automatically select a color based on the color in the desktop background image.
Sound. A collection of related sounds that are heard when an event occurs on the computer. An event may be an action you perform, such as logging in to your computer or possibly performing operations on your computer, such as letting you know when you receive a new email.
Screen saver. A moving picture or pattern displayed on the computer screen after a certain period of time without using the mouse or keyboard. The screen saver is disabled in the theme that comes with Windows, but you can enable and add a screen saver to the theme.
You can find all of your themes in the "Personalization" in “Control Panel”. Click or click on any topic to apply it to your desktop.
Open “Personalization by: swipe in from the right edge of the screen and click "Search" (If you use the mouse, point to the top right corner of the screen and then point the pointer down Move, click “search”), type “personalize" in the search box, and then click or click “Set" & "Personalize".
There are four types of themes in "Personalization" in “Control Panel”.
My theme. The theme you created, changed, saved, or downloaded. As soon as you make changes to the theme, these new settings appear here as an unsaved theme.
Windows default theme. A Windows theme that can be used to personalize your computer. Most of these topics include a desktop background slide.
The theme of the installation. A theme created by your computer manufacturer or other non-Microsoft provider.
High contrast theme. Make the items on the screen easier to see. High-contrast themes do not include automatic window border colors or desktop background slide shows.
Creating Topics
You can't just use the themes that come with Windows, you can also create custom themes with your own images and screen savers, and choose the colors and sounds they come with. To start customizing, tap or click on any topic to apply it to your desktop. Then change each part of the theme until the desktop background, window border color, sound, and screen saver meet your requirements. All changes made will appear as unsaved topics under “My Topics".
Unsaved topics
Steps to create a theme
Open “personalization by: from the right edge of the screen to the middle Swipe, click "Search” (If you use the mouse, point to the top right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down, then click "Search”) and enter “Personalization" in the search box. Then click or click “Settings> and “Personalization”.
To change the desktop background, click or click "“desktop background" at the bottom of the page, browse to the image you want to use, select the checkbox for the image you want to include in the slideshow, and click Or click “Save Changes”.
To change the color of the window border and taskbar, tap or click “color” at the bottom of the page, then do one of the following:
Click or click “ Auto & rdquo; to have Windows automatically select colors based on the colors in the desktop background image, then click or click “Save Changes”. – or – Click or click the color you want to use, then tap or click “Save Changes”. <;Auto & rdquo; Window Color Options
To change the sound of your computer when an event occurs, click or click on the "sound", "sound scheme" Project & "OK”.
To add or change a screen saver, click or click the “Screensaver” and “screensaver's items at the bottom of the page to change any settings to suit you Like, then click or click “OK”.
After you are satisfied with the display and sound of the new theme, save the theme so you can use it at any time.
Steps to save the theme
Open “Personalization by: swipe from the right edge of the screen to the middle and click "Search” (If you use the mouse, point to In the upper right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down, click “search”), type “personalize" in the search box, then click or click “set" &&quo;; personalize ”.
Under “My Topics, click or click an unsaved theme to apply it to your desktop.
Click or click “Save Theme”.
Enter a name for the topic and click or click “Save”. The new topic name will appear under “My Topics".
Sharing themes
After saving the theme, you can share it with friends and family. To send your theme to someone else, you first need to save the theme in a shareable file format called a .themepack file.
Open “Personalization by: swipe in from the right edge of the screen and click "Search" (If you use the mouse, point to the top right corner of the screen and then point the pointer down Move, click “search”), type “personalize" in the search box, and then click or click “Set" & "Personalize".
Click or click on your custom theme to apply it to your desktop.
Long press or right click on the topic, then tap or click “Save theme for sharing”.
Save the theme
In the “filename” box, enter a name for the topic, then click or click “Save”.
You can share topics using email, web or external drives.
Deleting a theme
If you no longer use a theme you have created or downloaded, you can remove it from your computer and save disk space. (You cannot delete a theme that comes with Windows.)
Tap or click a different topic to apply it to your desktop. You cannot delete the theme you are using.
Long press or right click on the topic you want to delete, then tap or click “delete topic”.
Get more themes
You can find more themes in the personalization library on the Windows website to add to your collection. See which topics are newer, more popular, or browse categories such as animals, cars, and movies.
Get more information about images
If you want to see the images contained in a particular topic, you can view detailed information about those images, including the title and location of the photo. (For some images, this information may not be available.)
Open “Personalization by: swipe from the right edge of the screen to the middle, click “search” (if using the mouse) , point to the top right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down, click “search”), type “personalize” in the search box, then click or click “set” and&ldquo ; Personalization & rdquo;.
Click or click on a topic to apply it to your desktop, then tap or click “desktop background”.
Long press or point to the picture to see details about it.
You cannot change the default font or font color for some items in Windows, such as window title bars, menus, or tooltips. However, you can make all the text on the screen (and other items like icons) larger, or you can change the text size of a particular item without changing the size of any other items on the screen.
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