Computer Store News: Today is exactly the day after Microsoft released Windows RTM. As a bet on Microsoft's "post-PC era", its desktop model combines the distinctive Modern UI and touch optimization to bring the concept of the original tablet to desktops and notebooks. Following the best-selling operating system in history —— after Windows 7, Microsoft tried to prove a lot on Windows 8. Not only that, but Windows 8 has also made major changes to the desktop and reflects many of the changes that have taken place in Microsoft itself. On the occasion of this first anniversary, let us review it.
Despite major criticism in the early days, and a large group of analysts, market observers, and even media people clamoring "out of date", "prophecy " this new system" ; doomed to fail ". However, Win8 has been working hard since its launch. Disputes over the radical changes in the UI, the new app distribution model, the desktop/start screen "split" seem to be fading away, and consumers are beginning to adopt Microsoft's latest work. The adoption rate of Windows 8 began to grow steadily, surpassing Vista a few months ago, and now it has already occupied 5.4% of the desktop market. Of course, if you want to compare with Win7, this is a bit insignificant —— but for an operating system that is destined to fail, it has done a good job!
Windows 8 also foreshadows the advent of the hybrid era. Microsoft has tried (and partially succeeded) to promote its OEM partners, create innovative device shapes, and take advantage of Windows 8's "double features". Individual OEMs have also succeeded in their new line of products, but there are also many losers. But one thing is certain: the convertible devices with touch screens are still "alive", mainly because of Windows 8. Although the first wave of deformation equipment has disappointed many people, the advancement and quality improvement of both hardware and software will definitely bring higher sales in the future.
Microsoft's latest production system also brings a new vision for developers to create and publish applications ——Windows Store. Developers can use this to ensure and control the cross-device compatibility of their applications, not to mention the simpler ways to make money. Although the Windows Store has recently broken the 100,000+ application mark, the lack of ideal applications and application quality indicates that Microsoft still has a lot of work to do before it succeeds. So, a year later, Windows 8 has changed many aspects of the desktop market, and "reduced a lot of feathers". Microsoft has brought ideas for the future, but its "two-sidedness" and "not honed" have also confusing many people. The new UI's "Unexplained" and many users' fear of new things have led them to choose Win8"Keep Distance". Although the adoption rate of Windows 8 is still slowly rising, it failed to meet Microsoft's previous expectations. Even more tragic is that most people’s performance on the first wave of deformable devices is “not moving”.
Windows 8.1 brings a lot of minor changes, including gestures and tiles of different sizes. The good news is that Microsoft finally realized the problem and was trying to fix it. Windows 8.1, code-named Blue, is expected to arrive in the RTM phase soon —— improved UI, better control, and new features that consumers expect (such as booting directly to the desktop). As for Windows 8.1, which can reinvigorate the PC market, we don't have hope, because no one can understand the market's expectations and what people want. But in any case, "polish" improved Windows 8.1 will be more and more bright.
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