WP8 or will be more open to attract


Computer store news has opened many functions to third-party developers, such as allowing developers to easily create screen readers, and well supporting hardware keyboards, etc., Windows Mobile has many convenient applications that are easy for people with disabilities, making it the mobile operating system of choice for disabled users.

The following is the full text of the article:

However, Windows Mobile's successor to Windows Phone 7 is not so convenient. In an Accessible Information and Communication Technology Alliance's "One Voice" report, the Windows Phone 7 system is relatively inaccessible: "Although Microsoft's Windows system provides some built-in convenience applications, the current version of the smart Mobile phone operating systems are not so convenient. It doesn't have a built-in screen reader, and it doesn't allow others to write applications that access screen elements. ” But this situation is about to change, as Dan Jellinek and Peter Abrahams continue to write in the report: “However, Microsoft is currently working with global disability charities to develop a wider range of convenient features for Windows Phone 8. This is an important new direction for Microsoft later this year. ”

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