Five reasons reveal that Android prospects are bleak


Computer store news Currently market analysts generally expect the Android system to be bleak. Some of the key reasons listed include the Android version but many flashy, Android 4.0 market bleak, development The number of programmers for Android is decreasing.

According to foreign media reports, market analysts generally expect the Android system to be bleak. Here are some key reasons.

1. There are many Android versions but they are flashy. Many versions of Android have been developed, but what is worrying is that most of the new versions developed are “smooth and slick”, and the second most popular version is Android 2.2, code-named Froyo, with a usage rate of 23%.

Android released the Android 3.1 codenamed Honeycomb and released Android 4.0, code-named Ice Cream Sandwich, but it did not win much market, accounting for only 2.4% of Android usage.

2. The number of programmers developing Android is decreasing. Since mid-2011, programmers' interest in the Android platform has gradually decreased. The fact that programmers are guided by market trends and the best economic return from developing Apple's operating system has been reflected in Facebook's $1 billion acquisition of Instagram.

3, iPad is leading the computer market. Android has lost in the tablet market. As of the end of February this year, only 12 million Android tablets were on the market, and Apple sold the same number of iPads every quarter. At the same time, there are no new competitors in the market. The Microsoft Windows system has not yet entered the important and growing market for tablets.

The tablet market is growing rapidly, and countless new opportunities are being created in the corporate, transportation, and home markets. At present, 585,000 tablet applications have been developed, and there is no doubt that the tablet market has great potential and is worthy of attention.

4, Google's acquisition of Motorola will undoubtedly prompt Motorola to use Android, but it will not attract other manufacturers to join the Android camp.

With the Nokia Symbian system going on, iOS is also going, Microsoft will bet on Nokia because there is no choice.

5, the market drivers of major US telecom operators, they have sold more iPhones than all other smartphones, and they plan to sell Windows Phone.

Analysts expect that the Android market will be more diversified, there will be more innovations, equipment manufacturers not only need to catch up with Apple but also add their own innovative features. This year's Android is not as attractive as it was last year. It is not known whether Google's acquisition of Motorola will make Android a powerful opponent for Apple.

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