Few people use DOS now. Even some young people don't know what this thing is. He is the earliest operating system. Many things are developed based on it, so many commands are worth using. of. DOS: disk operating system, disk operating system, DOS commands are divided into internal commands and external commands. Internal commands, also known as parked commands, are loaded into memory and persisted in memory as the DOS system boots. In other words, as long as the DOS system is started, we can use internal commands. External commands are executable files that are stored on disk. Executing these external commands requires that their files be brought into memory from disk, so external commands can only be used if they exist. Files with extensions such as .COM, .EXE, .BAT, etc. can be considered as external commands.
Common internal commands are MD, CD, RD, DIR, PATH, COPY, TYPE, EDIT, REN, DEL, CLS, VER, DATE, TIME, PROMPT.
Common Internal Command Details
1.MD——Create Subdirectory
Function: Create a new subdirectory ü
Type: Internal Command ü
Format: MD[drive letter:][path name] FOR 1: C:>md y /*---Create y subdirectory---*/ 2.CD——Change current directory Function: Display current directory ü Type: Internal Command ü ü Format: CD[drive letter:][path name][subdirectory name] Description: The CD command cannot change the current disk, CD.. The upper directory, the CD indicates that it returns to the current disk directory, and the current directory name is displayed when the CD has no parameters. FOR 2: C:>cd y /*---Display current directory y---*/ 3.RD——Delete subdirectories Command ü Function: The directory was deleted from the specified disk. Type: Internal Command ü Format: RD[drive letter:][pathname][subdirectory name]ü FOR 3: C:>rd y 4.DIR——display disk directory command Function: Display the contents of the disk directory. ü Type: Internal Command ü Format: DIRü [drive letter][path][/P][/W] FOR 4: C:>dir y 5.PATH——path setting command ü Function: The search path of the device executable file, valid only for files. Type: Internal Command ü ü Format: PATH[drive letter 1] directory [path name 1]{[; drive letter 2:], FOR 5: C:>path PATH=C:WINDOWS;C:WINDOWSCOMMAND;C:PROGRAMFILESMTS 6.COPY File Copy Command ü Function: Copy one or more files to the specified disk. Type: Internal Command ü Format: COPYü [Source Disk] [Path]
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