Introducing the use of windows defender


If your computer is confidential or the files inside are important, how can you protect it? The simple way is to use folder encryption, but the current technology is pervasive. Encryption is not enough. It's important to run anti-spyware while using your computer. Spyware and other potentially unwanted software will attempt to install on your computer when you are connected to the Internet. It also infects a computer if you use a CD, DVD, or other removable media installer. Unwanted or malware is not only run after installation, it is also programmed to run at any time.

Windows Defender provides three ways to help block spyware and other potentially unwanted software from infecting your computer.

• Real-time protection. ‍‍ Windows Defender alerts you when spyware or other potentially unwanted software attempts to install or run on your computer. It also alerts if the program tries to change important Windows settings.

• SpyNet Community. The online Microsoft SpyNet community helps you see how others are responding to software that is not classified by risk. Checking whether other members of the community are allowed to use this software can help you choose whether to allow this software to run on your computer. Similarly, if you join a community, your choices will also be added to the community rating to help others make choices.

• Scan options. Use Windows Defender to scan for spyware and other potentially unwanted software that may be installed on your computer, schedule scans on a regular basis, and automatically remove any malware detected during the scan.

When using Windows Defender, it's important to update the definition. Definitions are files that are like an ever-changing encyclopedia of potential software threats. Windows Defender uses these definitions to determine if the software it detects is spyware or other potentially unwanted software and then alerts you to potential risks. To help you keep your definitions up to date, Windows Defender runs with Windows Update to automate the installation when new definitions are released. You can also set Windows Defender to check the definition of the update online before scanning.

The above tutorial is not difficult. If you need to use this software, it is best to take a moment to look at it and protect your computer from infringement.

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