Windows Vista command runas.exe full resolution


If you are logged in as a standard user, you can also use the Run as administrator command to run the program as a different user, even if the user does not have an administrator account. To do this, click Run as administrator and select the user account. If you are logged in as an administrator and need to run the program as a different user, you will need to type runas.exe /user name in the Command Prompt window.

RUNAS Usage:

RUNAS [ [/noprofile |  /profile] [/env] [/savecred |  /netonly] ]

/user:< UserName> program

RUNAS [ [/noprofile |  /profile] [/env] [/savecred] ]

/smartcard [/user:< UserName>] program

RUNAS /trustlevel:< TrustLevel> program

/noprofile Specifies that the user's profile should not be loaded.

This will speed up application loading, but

may cause some applications to not function properly.

/profile Specifies that the user's profile should be loaded.

This is the default.

/env To use the current environment, not the user's environment.

/netonly Use only if the specified credentials are restricted to remote access.

/savecred Use the credentials previously saved by the user.


option is not available on Windows Vista Home or Windows Vista Starter versions.

This option will be ignored.

/smartcard Use this option if the a credential is provided by a smart card.

/user < UserName> should use the USER@DOMAIN or DOMAIN\\USER form

/showtrustlevels to display the

trust level that can be used as a parameter for /trustlevel.

/trustlevel < Level> should be a level that enumerates

in /showtrustlevels.

Command line for program EXE. See the example below

For example:

> runas /noprofile /user:mymachine\\administrator cmd

> runas /profile /env /user:mydomain\\admin "mmc %windir%\\system32\\dsa.msc"

> runas /env /user:[email protected] "notepad "my file.txt""

Vista Home Tip: Note: Enter the user's password only when prompted.

Note: /profile is not compatible with /netonly.

Note: /savecred is not compatible with /smartcard.

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