Troubleshooting Console Common Commands Introduction


FIXMBR: Repair or replace the master boot record for the specified drive. It checks the master boot record and replaces it with the correct master boot record if the master boot record is corrupt.

FIXBOOT: Repair or replace the boot sector of the specified drive. It will automatically regenerate the boot sector on the specified drive.

DISKPART: This command is used to manage partitions on a disk, such as adding or removing partitions.

LOGON: This command automatically runs when the fault recovery control starts for the first time, and automatically checks the WIN2000 operating system installed on the hard disk. Run this command to log in to other existing WIN2000 systems.

EXPAND: Expand one or more compressed files, allowing files to be extracted from a CAB source file. There are two important parameters: /D means to list the list of files in the CAB source file; /R means to rename the expanded file.

LISTSVR: This command creates a list of services and displays the current startup status of the service. There are five valid startup types for the service: SERVICE_AUTO_START (for automatic startup), SERVICE _ DISABLED (for prohibiting startup), SERVICE_DEMAND_START (for startup when a service is dependent on the service), and SERVICE_BOOT_START (for indicating that the operating system is booting) Start after the beginning of the process).
DISABLE: Disable a service or a device driver.
ENABLE: Allow a service or a device driver.

SYSTEMROOT: This command is used to enter the WIN2000 system installation directory, which is equivalent to the CD %SYSTEMROOT% command.

MAP: This command displays a list of all drive mappings, telling the user which drives in the system are available in the Recovery Console.

EXIT: This command exits the Recovery Console and restarts the computer.

Other commands such as CD, CHKDSK, DEL, DIR, FORMAT, MD, RD, REN, TYPE, etc. are basically the same as normal startup.

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