The default menu for computer startup is black and white. Can you change the startup menu to color? The answer is yes. The following small series will teach you how to modify the boot.ini to make the boot menu color. The boot.ini (hidden file) in the root directory of the C drive can use the ansi control code to control the boot menu to display color, such as the following boot.ini: timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0) Partition(3)\\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\\WINDOWS="?[1;32mMicrosoft ?[1;34mWindows ?[1;33mXP Professional" /NOEXECUTE= OPTIN /FASTDETECT c:\\Avldrxp.bin="?[1;36mAvlgo - PELDR" /noguiboot multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\\WINDOWS="?[1;31mMicrosoft ?[1; 33mWindmows ?[1;35mSermver 2003" /noexecute=optout /fastdetect c:\\1.bin="?[1;37mMS-DOS"
The effect diagram of the operation about ansi control code: arrow + "?[ ,null,null,3],"The declaration of the "1" after the beginning of the escape sequence defines the default font width. For text attributes, these values are meaningful: 0, 1, 22, 4, 24, 5, 25, 7, 27, respectively: default, bold, non-bold, underline, not underline, blinking , non-flashing, anti-display, non-reverse display. 30m -- 37m Set the foreground color 40m -- 47m Set the background color Available colors: red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white. Their corresponding color codes are: 30 (black), 31 (red), 32 (green), 33 (yellow), 34 (blue), 35 (magenta), 36 (cyan), 37 (white). Set the background color in the same color, but replace the first number "3" with "4", 40 (black), 41 (red), 42 (green), 43 (yellow), 44 (blue), 45 (magenta), 46 (cyan), 47 (white).
For example, [1; 32m; 43m bold green foreground yellow background Tips: boot.ini is an important file of the system, be cautiously modified, only modify the contents of the double quotes such as "Microsoft Windows XP Professional". Don't modify it outside.
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