A & uarr; ACCESS.CHM - Windows help file ACCSTAT.EXE - Auxiliary status indicator ADVAPI32.DLL - Advanced Win32 API AHA154X.MPD - SCSI driver AM1500T.VXT - NIC driver AM2100.DOS - NIC driver APPSTART. ANI - Animated Cursor APPS.HLP - Windows Help File AUDIOCDC.HLP - "Easy Code Encoder "Help File AWARDPR32.EXE - Add Printer Tool B ↑ BIGMEM.DRV - BIGMEM Virtual Device BILLADD.DLL - Dynamic Link Library (MSW supported) BIOS.VXD - Plug and Play BIOS interface BUSLOGIC.MPD - SCSI driver C ↑ CALC.EXE - Calculator application CANNON800.DRV - Canon printer driver CHOICE.COM - MSDOS command CHS16.FON - Font file (16 dot matrix Chinese) CANYON.MID - MIDI file example CARDDRV.EXE - PCMCIA support program CDFS.VXD - CDROM file system CDPLAYER.EXE - CD player application CDPLAYER.HLP - CD player help file CHIPS.DRV - Chip Technology Display Driver CHKDSK.EXE - DOS Disk Checker Tool CHOOSUSR.DLL - Network Client CHOKD.WAV - Sound File Example CIS.SCP - Script file (shows how to establish a PPP connection with Compuserve) CLAIRE~1.RMI - MINI sequence CLIP.INF - Installation information file (cutting board viewer) CLOSEWIN.AVI - Movie clip (AVI) (How to close the window) CMC. DLL:Mail - API1.0 public information call COMBUFF.VXD - COM side virtual device COMCTL32.DLL - 32-bit shell component COMDLG32.DLL - 32-bit public dialog library COMIC.TIF - TrueType font file (Comic Sans Ms) COMMAND.COM - Public dialog library COMMDLG.DLL - 16-bit public dialog library COMMON.HLP - OLE help file COMPOBJ.DLL - OLE16/32 interop library CONAGEN.EXE - 32-bit control support CONFAPI.DLL - Microsoft network component CONFIG.SYS - configuration File CONFIG.TXT - Readme file (how to use the command in the configuration file) CONTROL.EXE - "Control Panel"Application COOL.DLL - Uniform Resource Locator File COPY.INF - Installation Information File CP-1250.NLS - Natural Language Support file CPQNDIS.DOS - NIC driver CPQNDIS3.VXD - Compaq Ethernet controller NDIS driver CR3240.EXE - DOS6.22 Chinese version CR3240 printer driver CRTDLL.DLL - Microsoft C runtime library C SETUP.EXE - MSDOS6.22 Chinese setup program CSETUP.WIN - CSetup.exe support file CSMAPPER.SYS - system file (supports PCMCIA) CSPMAN.DLL - Dynamic Link Library (SoundBlaster 16 Driver) CTRLPAN.EXE - MSDOS command (system control Desk program) CTRLPAN.EXE - MSDOS6.22 Chinese version control program D ↑ DBLBVFF.SYS - double buffer driver DC21X4.SYS - NDIS3 driver DCIMAN.DLL - display control interface DCIMAN32.DLL - display control interface DDEML.DLL - DDE repository DEBMP.DLL - raster display device DEBUG.EXE - Debug debug tool DECPSMW4.INF - installation information file (DEC printer installation) DECLAN.VXD - DECLAN network card driver DEFRAG - open "selected drive" window DEL. INF - Installation Information File DELTEMP.COM - Initialization Help Tool DELTREE.EXE - Delete Directory Tool DEMET.DLL - Vector Display Project DESKCP16.DLL - 16-bit Desktop Control Panel DESKTOP.MSN - Microsoft Network Component DESS.DLL - Table Display Engineering DEWP .DLL - Word Processing Display Engineering DIALER.CNT - Dialog Help DIALER.EXE - Phone Dialer DIALER.HLP - Phone Dialing Help File D IALMON.EXE - Dial Monitor (IE2.0) DIBENG.DLL - Standalone device with the same bit DICONIX.DRX - Printer driver DING.WAN - Sound file example DIRECTCC.EXE - Direct cable connection application DISKCOMP - Disk Compare Tool DISKCOPY.COM - Disk Copy Tool DISKDRV.INF - Installation Information DISPLAY.TXT - Display Card README File DMCOLOR.DLL - Universal Print Driver Color Playback Support Library DOSKEY.COM - DOS Command DOSX.EXE - MSDOS Configuration Program DRAGDROP.AVI - Video clip (AVI) (How to use drag and drop) DRIVER.SYS - DOS driver DRVSPACE.EXE - Disk compression tool DRVSPACE.HLP - Disk space management help file E ↑ EDIT.COM - DOS text editor EDLIN.EXE - DOS Line Editor EE16.VXD - Virtual Device Driver EISA.VXD - Plug and Play EISA Bus Counter EK550C.ICM - Printer Introduction EMM386.EXE - Extended Memory Manager ENABLE.INF - Initialization Information ENGCT.EXE - MSN Support File ESCP24SC .DRV - device driver EUDCEDIT.CNF - help index file (word-making program) EUDCEDIT.EXE - word-making program EUDCEDIT.HLP - help file (word Program) EUDCEDIT.INF - Installation information file (word-making program) EVX16.DOS - NIC driver EWRK3.DOS - NIC driver EWRK3.SYS - NIC driver EXCEL.XLS - Excel5.0 file template EXCEL4.XLS - Excel4. 0 file template EXCHANGE.TXT - Inbox and Exchange readme file EXCHNG.CNT - Mail/Exchange help file content EXCHNG.HLP - Mail/Exchange component EXCHNG32.EXE - Initial setting for user switch EXPLORER.AVI - Movie clip (AVI ) (How to use Explorer) EXPLORER.EXE - "Resource Manager"Application EXPO.HLP - Help File (Product Information) EXPOSTRT.EXE - Product Information Application EXTRACT.EXE - Decompression Tool EXTRA.TXT - Readme file (online access to attached files) Previous 12 3 4 5 Read more