For the debugging program, the machine installs iis and apache, can't use port 80 at the same time, now gives the solution: Method 1: IIS5, coexist with multiple IP, IIS is, apache is Original address c :\\Inetpub\\Adminscripts cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/disablesocketpooling true The command feedback is as follows: disablesocketpooling : (BOOLEAN) True Restart IIS Inetpub\\AdminScripts>cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/disablesocketpooling true due to DisableSocketPooling in IIS 6.0 metabase schema (MBSchema. It is defined as a valid attribute in xml), so you can still set it using Adsutil.vbs, but this setting does not work. The functionality in IIS 6.0 is part of the new kernel-level driver HTTP.sys. To configure HTTP.sys, you must use Httpcfg.exe Method 2: IIS6, coexist under multiple IP, IIS is, apache is Original address to support/tools/ under 2003 CD. Unzip the httpcfg.exe file, COPY to the windows/system32/directory, use the help command line to bind to an IP: httpcfg set iplisten -i The command uses IIS only **** specified IP and Port view binding: httpcfg query iplisten Delete binding: httpcfg delete iplisten -i Command line net stop Apache2 net stop iisadmin /y net START Apache2 net START w3svc Ensure that the ip under iis is set to the global default, Apache httpconf settings Listen, you should be able to run both services at the same time, do not conflict with each other. The access address of IIS is, and the Apache access address is Method 3: The commonly used single IP on the Internet shares the 80 port method, but it is not recommended, just use the Apache proxy, the speed has an impact. Set apache to use port 80, IIS uses other ports, such as 81, and then apache as a proxy for IIS. In httpd.conf, uncomment the following four lines: LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/ Then create a virtual host, the domain name All access to the 81 port. ServerName ProxyPass /http://localhost:81/ProxyPassReverse /http://localhost:81/This way, you can only use one port, you can use the functions of apache and IIS at the same time, use the Two methods, you can configure PHP4 on IIS, PHP5 in Apache2, only need to install PHP4 in IIS, copy php.ini to \\windows directory, this needless to say, Apache2, as long as PHP5 Php.ini is placed in the PHP5 installation directory to configure Apache to support PHP5: LoadModule php5_module "D:/PHPServer/PHP5/php5apache2.dll" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php DirectoryIndex index.html index.php PHPIniDir "D:/PHPServer/PHP5" The most important one is PHPIniDir, which is used to indicate the location of the php.ini file, which is the installation directory of PHP5. Note that all directories should be changed to D:/PHPServer/PHP5. Instead of D:\\PHPServer\\PHP5, the access address of IIS is, and the Apache access address is
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