Windows 2003 iis+php5+mysql+phpmyadmin detailed installation configuration


windows 2003 iis+php5+mysql+phpmyadmin detailed installation steps
support php mysql gmail one, install iis this do not say to pay attention to Is the installation is to choose Second, the next step is to install php; find a place next php5 source package such as After zip, extract it to the c:\\php\\ directory (the php directory is built by yourself) 1. First import the two registration files into 2, then copy the file with the extension .dll to c:\\WINDOWS \\下(can be selected as needed) 3. Copy all extensions under ext to .dll to c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ (can be selected as needed) 4. Modify php.ini as follows: Main use: Function search register_globals = Off off Change to on Search extension_dir = Change to extension_dir ="d:\\php\\ext" (The "d:\\php\\ext" directory here is the PHP installation directory. If you have PHP installed in c :\\php, then here is to be written as ext Ension_dir ="c:\\php\\ext") Search; upload_tmp_dir = change to upload_tmp_dir = d:\\php\\upload_tmp (The upload_tmp directory here is created by itself, the default is not this folder, try to "do not use"special characters Search Windows Extensions will be some of the commonly used functions in front; remove, that is, enable the corresponding module function here I enable the corresponding module extension=php_mbstring.dll extension=php_curl.dll extension=php_dbase.dll extension=php_gd2.dll extension=php_ldap.dll Extension=php_mysql.dll will be followed by a detailed function description of the module; session.save_path = "/tmp" changed to session.save_path = "d:\\php\\tmp" (The tmp directory here is created by itself, the default is not This folder, try to "do not use"special characters.) 5. Configure IIS to support PHP: Expand the IIS directory tree and right-click on the "website"---select "properties"---select "home directory ”---Select "Configure"---Select "Application Mapping"Options----&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Add an extension mapping, click "Browse" in the pop-up window to point the executable to the location of php5isapi.dll. The example in this article is: C:\\php\\php5isapi.dll with a .php extension and actions are limited to &rdquo ;GET,HEAD,POST,TRACE“,will "script engine""" confirms the existence of the file" > select click "WEB Server Extension" Add an ISAPI extension to allow extensions to PHP "Add"- -- This example is: C:\\php\\php5isapi.dll and check the extension to allow the above operation to complete. After the IIS needs to be restarted, the PHP runtime environment will take effect. After the restart is complete, test whether PHP can run normally and create a text file and save it. For 123.php content: <?php phpinfo(); ?> If the running information is displayed normally, the PHP runtime environment has been configured. 3. Install Zend 2.6x or 2.6x and above versions using ZendOptimizer-3.0.1 (Downloaded: ZendOptimizer-3.0.1-Windows-i386.exe file, double-click to install) Installation steps, please see the operation, here my installation path is c:\\zend Zend will be self-installation during the installation process Configure php.ini to enable the zend module. After installation, you can see that the php.ini file will be written last: [Zend] zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts="c:\\Zend\\lib\\Optimizer-3.0.1" zend_extension_ts="c :\\Zend\\lib\\ZendExtensionManager.dll" (Install similar software or similar software to the same directory, which is also better to manage) [Zend]zend_optimizer.optimization_level=1023zend_optimizer.encoder_loader=0zend_extension_ts="C:Program FilesZendlibZendOptimizer. Dll" Now let me introduce the meaning of this configuration file: zend_optimizer.optimization_level //The degree of optimization, here is how many optimization processes are started. Zend_optimizer.encoder_loader //Allows processing of PHP files encrypted by Zend Encoder. Zend_extension_ts //The directory where the optimizer is located. Fourth, install GD library to remove php.ini; extension=php_gd2.dll in front; On the line five, install MYSQL installation is relatively simple, the next step is ok six, phpmyadmin installation and decompression to get a phpMyAdmin directory (you can rename Find the file in the directory, open and find $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri']. Modify the URL of the phpMyAdmin you will upload to the space: $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://qshy.cublog. Com/phpmyadmin/'; and the following $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; (usually with default, there are exceptions) $cfg['Servers'][$i] ['auth_type'] = 'config'; //Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)? Debug with config on your own machine, if you use cookies on the web. $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; //MySQL user (username, root in your own machine, set your ftp username on the network) $cfg['Servers' ][$i]['password'] = ''; //MySQL password (only needed to set $cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = ''; //If set To a db-name, only (you only have one data to set it) and set $cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'zh'; This must be set to $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '' //Verify the string (just write it, don't be empty) After setting it, you can upload it to the Internet. Browse course, if you set different, use that URL. If you set the cookie above Will have the following login window

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