Windows Server 2008 Server Management Console Resolution


A new server management console is available to simplify the task of installing, managing, and securing multiple server roles. The server console has the following features as a centralized console:

• Management Server Configuration and System Information

• Discovering issues related to server role configuration

• Management settings Roles, role services, and features on the server.

The server management console's hierarchical menu contains extensible nodes that administrators can open to manage specific roles, set up problem-solving tools, or choose backup and disaster recovery options. Server Manager integrates multiple management interfaces and tools into a single console, enabling administrators to switch between multiple interfaces, tools, and dialogs to complete common administrative tasks. FIG 1

Server Manager main screen

Server Main Window management console includes several telescopic section:

• Overview Server consists of two parts: a system information and Safety summary. The system information shows the name of the computer, the domain, the local administrator account name, the network connection, and the product ID of the operating system. The commands in the System Information section allow the user to modify this information.

• The Security Summary shows the status of the Windows update and the status of the last check for updates and the last time the update was installed. The commands in the Security Summary section allow administrators to make changes to these settings or view advanced options.

• The role summary contains a table showing which roles are installed on the server. This part of the command allows the administrator to add or remove roles, or to open a console for the management of the specified role.

• The feature summary contains a table showing which features are installed on the server. This section of the command allows the administrator to add or remove features (including, Windows Backup, SMTP, etc.).

• The Resources and Support section shows the extent to which the server participates in the Feedback Plan for the Windows Server Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) and the Windows Error Reporting Service. The creation of CEIP provides customers with an opportunity to participate in the design and development of Microsoft products. CEIP collects information about how customers use Microsoft products and the problems they encounter during use. So the resource and support section is also a platform to join topical newsgroups or get more help and search themes. Previous 12 3 4 5 Next Read more

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