Windows Server 2008 extension methods activation period before

, although this method has been mentioned Replies in this area, and for the convenience of everyone. Now re-open an independent post any RTM version of Windows Server2008, installing inactive can use the 60 days that is two months . This 60-day expiration can be reset three times for a total of 180 days for 60 days. The initial 60 days plus 180 resets for a total of 180 days can be used for 240 days or 8 months. 8 months was enough time reloading manual system expansion: it ends when the initial 60-day evaluation period approaching, you can run the Slmgr.vbs script to reset the activation period. Specific steps: 1. Click Start, and then click Command Prompt. 2. Type slmgr.vbs -dli then press ENTER to check the current status of your evaluation period. 3. To reset the evaluation period, type slmgr.vbs & ndash; rearm, and then press Enter. 4. Restart your computer. Automatic Extension: Configuration via Task Scheduler Task Scheduler to run the Slmgr.vbs script steps: 1. Click Start, Administrative Tools, Scheduled Tasks. 2. Save the following as a *.xml file. For example Extend.xml
copy the code
code is as follows: & lt; xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-16" & gt; & lt; Task version = "1.2" xmlns = "http??: //"> <RegistrationInfo> <Date>2007-09-17T14:26:04.433</Date> <Author>Microsoft Corporation</author & gt; & lt; /RegistrationInfo & gt; & lt; Triggers & gt; & lt; TimeTrigger id = "18c4a453-d7aa-4647-916b-af0c3ea16a6b" & gt; & lt; Repetition & gt; & lt; Interval & gt; P59D & lt; /Interval & gt; & lt; StopAtDurationEnd & gt; false & lt; /StopAtDurationEnd & gt ; </Repetition> <StartBoundary>2007-10-05T02:23:24</StartBoundary> <EndBoundary>2008-09-17T14:23:24.777</EndBoundary> <Enabled>true</Enabled> & lt;; & lt;; & lt;; & lt; & gt /TimeTrigger & gt /Triggers Principals & gt; & lt; Principal id = "Author" & gt; & lt; UserId & gt; domain \\ alias & lt; /UserId & gt; & lt; LogonType & gt; Password & lt; & gt /LogonType RunLevel & gt; highestAvailable & lt; /RunLevel> </Principal> </Principals> <Settings> <Id leSettings & gt; & lt; Duration & gt; PT10M & lt; /Duration & gt; & lt; WaitTimeout & gt; PT1H & lt; /WaitTimeout & gt; & lt; StopOnIdleEnd & gt; true & lt; /StopOnIdleEnd & gt; & lt; RestartOnIdle & gt; false & lt; /RestartOnIdle & gt; & lt; /IdleSettings & gt; & lt; MultipleInstancesPolicy & gt; IgnoreNew & lt; /MultipleInstancesPolicy & gt; & lt; DisallowStartIfOnBatteries & gt; /DisallowStartIfOnBatteries & gt;; & lt; true & lt StopIfGoingOnBatteries & gt; true & lt; /StopIfGoingOnBatteries & gt; & lt; AllowHardTerminate & gt; true & lt; /AllowHardTerminate & gt; & lt; StartWhenAvailable & gt; false & lt; /StartWhenAvailable & gt; & lt; RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable & gt; false & lt; /RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable & gt; & lt; AllowStartOnDemand & gt ; true & lt; /AllowStartOnDemand & gt; & lt; Enabled & gt; true & lt; /Enabled & gt; & lt; Hidden & gt; false & lt; /Hidden & gt; & lt; RunOnlyIfIdle & gt; false & lt; /RunOnlyIfIdle & gt; & lt; WakeToRun & gt; true & lt; /WakeToRun & gt; & lt; ExecutionTimeLimit & gt; P3D & lt; /ExecutionTimeLimit & gt ; <DeleteExpiredTaskAfter>PT0S</DeleteExpiredTaskAfter> <Priority>7</Priority> < RestartOnFailure & gt; & lt; Interval & gt; PT1M & lt; /Interval & gt; & lt; Count & gt; 3 & lt; /Count & gt; & lt; /RestartOnFailure & gt; & lt; /Settings & gt; & lt; Actions C & gt; & lt; Exec & gt; & lt; Command & gt; C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ slmgr.vbs & lt; /Command & gt; & lt; Arguments & gt; -rearm & lt; /Arguments & gt; & lt; /Exec & gt; & lt; Exec & gt; & lt; Command & gt; C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ shutdown.exe & lt; /Command & gt; & lt; Arguments & gt; /r & lt ; /Arguments & gt; & lt; /Exec & gt; & lt; /Actions & gt; & lt; /task & gt; 3. exemplary task will hereinafter & lt; UserID & gt; tag to contain domains and aliases value: & lt; UserId & gt; domain \\ & gt; alias /UserId & lt; 4. import task in Scheduler, click operation on the menu. 5. Click the sample task .xml file. For example, click Extend.xml. 6. Click Import. 7. Click the Trigger tab. 8. Click the trigger once, and then click Edit. 9. Change the task start date to only the current activation period end date. 10. Click OK, and then exit the Task Scheduler.
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