Win2K"Secret Weapon&B; Browser Status Diagnostics (Browstat.exe)
BrowStat is a character-based tool for diagnosing browsers and is therefore not available for use under the GUI interface. Use this tool to find out if the browser is running and detect the browser status in the Windows workgroup in windows2000 and windowsNT domains. It can also provide information about the status of the browser in a workgroup, including the name of the browser.
You can also use this tool to discover that the transfer command (or "transport") used on a computer is a Browstat Dumpnet or Browstat DN and check the result. The "transfer" referred to here refers to the transfer specified by the driver in windows2000 or windowsNT.
In addition, the tool's original documentation lists a set of logos for this tool. Literally, it is mainly an abbreviation of terminology. In this tool, these abbreviations have a clear meaning and cannot be used. Redefining. For these signs, please refer to the table attached to this article. Its Chinese meaning is that I don’t take the liberty to add it for reference.
Like using other tool commands, the syntax of browstat.exe is also the command browstat (this is already called the convention). Followed by the options, and finally pointed out the destination to be reached, the so-called "destination" is generally a transmitter or domain, or both. If you are familiar with DOS, this set should be a light-hearted road, and you don't need to elaborate.
First, the syntax of browstat
browstat options
Parameters and description:
Any option can be used below The full spelling or abbreviation given:
1.ELECT (EL) — Force a master browser to select the specified transport in the domain
browstat elect Transport domain
2.GETBLIST (GB) — returns a "subsequent" browser list in the domain with the specified delivery, somewhat similar to the "refresh" function.
browstat getblist transport [[domain] refresh]
3.GETMASTER (GM) — Use NteBIOS to return the name of the main browser
browstat getmaster transport domain
4. GETPDC (GP) — Use NetBIOS to return the name of the primary domain controller.
browstat getpdc transport domain
5. LISTWFW (WFW) — found in the working group (computer), currently running under the windows operating system browser It should be noted that if you are in a network with a working group and a domain, you can disable the browser in the Windows Workgroup
browstat listwfw domain
6. STATS (STS) — Save the browser's various commonly used statistics using the double slash switch plus the server name, which can point to a specific server
browstat stats [ ,null,null,3],\\server] [clear]
7. STATUS (STA) — dumps the browser status in the specified workgroup in all local transfers, including the master browser setup number, the owning server and the workgroup
browstat status [-v] workgroup
8.TICKLE (TIC) — Stop the use of the main browser for the specified workgroup. It can reset a computer to determine the problem.
browstat tickle transport domain
9.VIEW (VW) — Returns a list of servers or domains for the specified server, transport, or workgroup,
Usage: (For different situations, you can use the following different usages:)
browstat view transport
browstat view transport domain
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