Three ways to uninstall software on Vista system

What is the way to uninstall software in Windows Vista operating system? Please see the following introduction.
Uninstalling Software Using the Uninstaller Feature
To uninstall programs and software components from your computer's hard drive in Windows Vista:
Click Start, Control Panel, and then click Programs.
Under "Programs and Features", click "Uninstall a program".
The Uninstall or Change Programs window will open.
Select the program you want to uninstall.
Click "Uninstall" at the top of the program list.
Read all the information that appears when you uninstall the software and take the appropriate action.
Using "Turn Windows features on or off" to find a program
If the program is not listed in the Uninstaller window, you need to do so. Some programs may be hidden. Find the program you want to uninstall by doing the following:
Click Start, Control Panel, Programs, and then click Turn Windss On or Off.
To open a Windows feature, select the checkbox next to the feature and click OK.
uninstall "Registry Editor" program

only if you can not find the software listed, only need to do the following:
Click "Start" and then "Start Search" field Enter regedit in .
The Registry Editor window opens.
Note: The following operations involve editing the Windows registry. Incorrectly editing the registry can cause Windows to fail to start. First create a backup of the registry and then do the following carefully.
After completing the registry backup, in the left pane of the Registry Editor, click the plus sign next to the following registry key name:
MICROSOFT< Br> Windows
In Uninstall, select the name of the registry key that matches the name of the software you are uninstalling.
After selecting the software name, double-click the "UninstallString" value icon in the right pane.
The UninstallString text should be highlighted in the open window. If the text is not highlighted, select the entire text in the Value Data field.
Right click on the highlighted text and select "Copy".
Click "Cancel" to close the "Registry Editor" window.
Click "Start".
In the "Start Search" field, right click on the mouse and select "Paste".
Paste the previously copied UninstallString numeric data into the field.
Click "OK" to uninstall the software.

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