Windows Vista has a new trick against ARP virus


Modifying the MAC address of the network card under Vista can easily defend against ARP attacks. After researching and dealing with the arp virus under Windows Vista, there is a new method. Not only can defend against arp virus attacks, but also significantly improve the security of Windows Vista LAN.

First, deal with ARP spoofing First bind the gateway's NIC IP address and MAC address

First, we enter cmd in the start menu, then use Ctrl+Shift+Enter to increase the privilege to system management. In this case, you can use the ARP command that comes with Windows Vista to complete the binding. We enter the arp -d command in cmd to delete the IP address and MAC mapping table of the current gateway, and then use the arp -a command to update the mapping between the IP address of the gateway and the MAC address. Finally, use arp -s <gateway IP address> <gateway MAC address>, for example, arp -s 00-d0-88-00-6c-dd operation as shown in Figure 1:

If you can use your community broadband users to make your computer disappear from the LAN, enter net config server /hidden:yes in the cmd command prompt. If you need to let the other party see in the network neighbor, you can enter the net config server again. /hidden:no , the operation is shown in Figure 2

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