This article describes how to extend, or rerm, the Windows Server 2008 evaluation period. The evaluation period is called the "activation wide" segment. These instructions apply to any version of Windows Server 2008. This includes evaluating the copy.
Evaluation Windows Server 2008 software does not require product activation. There may be no activation, install any version of Windows Server 2008, it may be counted as 60 days. In addition, the 60-day evaluation period may be re-armed three times. This action extends the original 60-day evaluation period by a maximum of 180 days for a total of 240 days.
Note Although you can reset the 60-day evaluation period, you can exceed 60 days at any time. When you reset the current 60-day evaluation period, you lose any time on the previous 60-day evaluation period. To maximize the total evaluation time, therefore, wait until the evaluation period is reset until the current 60-day evaluation period is reached.
How to install Windows Server 2008 is not activated 1. Run the Windows Server 2008 installer.
2. When prompted to enter the product key for activation, do not enter the key. When the installation asks you to confirm your choice, click No.
3. You may be prompted to select the Windows Server 2008 version to be evaluated. Choose the version you want to install.
Note After installing Windows Server 2008, the version cannot be changed without reinstalling it.
4. When prompted, read the terms in the Microsoft Software License Terms, and then accept its terms.
5. When the Windows Server 2008 installer is completed, your initial 60-day evaluation period begins. Check your current evaluation period, the retention time is running Slmgr.vbs script, located in the System 32 folder. Use -dli to switch to running this script. The number of days displayed by the slmgr.vbs - dli command, in the current 60-day evaluation period.
How to manually extend the evaluation period
When the initial 60-day evaluation period is nearing its end, you can run the Slmgr.vbs script to reset the evaluation period. To do this, follow these steps:.
1 Click Start, and then click Command Prompt.
2. Type slmgr.vbs -dli and press ENTER to check the current status of your evaluation period.
3. To reset the evaluation period, type slmgr.vbs –rearm and press Enter.
4. Restart your computer.
This evaluation period is 60 days.
How to automate the evaluation period extension
It may be necessary to set the automatic reset every 60-day evaluation period. The method makes this process through the task scheduler. You can configure the Task Scheduler to run the Slmgr.vbs script to restart the server at a specific time. To do this, follow these steps:.
1, point to Administrative Tools, and then TaskScheduler.
2. The following sample task is copied to the server and saved as an .xml file. For example, you can save a file as Extend.xml .
<? Xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"? & Gt;
& lt; Task version = "1.2" xmlns = "" & gt;
& lt; RegistrationInfo & gt;
& lt; Date>2007-09-17T14:26:04.433</Date>
<Author>Microsoft Corporation</Author>
<TimeTrigger id = "18c4a453-d7aa-4647-916b-af0c3ea16a6b" & gt;
& lt; Repetition & gt;
& lt; Interval & gt; P59D & lt; /Interval & gt;
& lt; StopAtDurationEnd & gt; false & lt; /StopAtDurationEnd & gt;
& lt ;/Repetition>
< Enabled>true</Enabled>
<Principal id="Author">
<UserId> Domain\\alias</UserId>
<RunLevel>HighestAvail Able</RunLevel>
& lt;;
& lt;; & lt; WaitTimeout & gt; PT1H & lt; /WaitTimeout & gt;
& lt; StopOnIdleEnd & gt; true & lt; & gt /StopOnIdleEnd RestartOnIdle & gt; false & lt; & gt /RestartOnIdle /IdleSettings & gt;
& lt; MultipleInstancesPolicy & gt; IgnoreNew & lt; /MultipleInstancesPolicy & gt;
& lt; DisallowStartIfOnBatteries & gt; true & lt; /DisallowStartIfOnBatteries & gt;
& lt; StopIfGoingOnBatteries & gt; /StopIfGoingOnBatteries & gt;; true & lt
& lt; AllowHardTerminate & gt; /AllowHardTerminate & gt;; true & lt
& lt; StartWhenAvailable & gt; false & lt; /StartWhenAvailable & gt ;
<Hidden>false</Hidden> BR> <RunOnly IfIdle & gt; false & lt; /RunOnlyIfIdle & gt;
& lt; WakeToRun & gt; true & lt; /WakeToRun & gt;
& lt; ExecutionTimeLimit & gt; P3D & lt; /ExecutionTimeLimit & gt;
& lt; DeleteExpiredTaskAfter & gt; PT0S & lt; /DeleteExpiredTaskAfter & gt;
& lt; Priority & gt; 7</Priority>
<Actions Context="Author">
<Arguments> -rearm & lt; /Arguments & gt;
& lt; /Exec & gt;
& lt; Exec & gt;
& lt; Command & gt; C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ shutdown.exe & lt; /Command & gt;
& lt; Arguments & gt; /r & lt; /Arguments & gt;
& lt; /Exec & gt;
& lt; /Actions & gt;
& lt; /task & gt;
3. exemplary task will hereinafter & ocirc; UserID & ouml; tag and the value contains the domain aliases:
& lt; UserId & gt; domain \\ & gt; alias /Use rId & lt;
4. Import Task TaskScheduler, click on the menu operation.
5. Click the sample task .xml file. For example, click Extend.xml.
6. Click Import.
7. Click the Trigger tab.
8. Click once on the trigger, then click Edit.
9. Change the task start date only before the current evaluation period end date.
10. Click OK, and then quit Task Scheduler.
The Task Scheduler will now run the evaluation reset operation on the specified date.
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