How to separate the space of integer capacity when partitioning the hard disk


Webpage Friendship Tip: Everyone will enter numbers in the partition. For example, if you want to get a 2G partition, you may enter 2000M or 2048M. In fact, the area you entered by these numbers will not be considered as an integer 2G under Windows, but 1.9XG. To get the integer G partition under Windows, you must know a formula.

Everyone's partition will enter numbers. For example, if you want to get a 2G partition, you may enter 2000M or 2048M. In fact, the area you entered by these numbers will not be considered as an integer 2G under Windows, but 1.9XG. To get the integer G partition under Windows, you must know a formula.

The value calculated by this formula is the value considered by Windows as the integer G. Integer G calculation formula: (X-1) * 4 + 1024 * X = Y

Description: The above "*" means multiplication, where X is the value of the integer partition you want to get, the unit is G, Y Is the number you should enter when partitioning, the unit is M, for example: I want to get 3G integer space, then I should enter (3-1) * 4 + 1024 * 3 = 3080 when partitioning, then we should enter 3080M in the partition As the size of the partition; the same space to divide 10G should be (10-1) * 4 + 1024 * 10 = 10276, input 10276M will get 10G integer space.

The following are some other common partition numerical examples:

(30-1)*4+1024*30=30836 ——30G

(15-1)*4 +1024*15=15416 —— 15G

(10-1)*4+1024*10=10276 ——10G

(5-1)*4+1024*5=5136 —— 5G

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