Windows XP Optimized Hardware

1. Memory Performance Optimization

There are several options in Windows XP to optimize memory performance. They are all located in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management

1) Disable Memory Page Paging Executive

Under normal circumstances, XP will write a fragment of the memory to the hard disk, we can prevent it from doing so, leaving the data in memory, thereby improving system performance. It should be noted that users with a lot of memory (more than 256M) can use this setting. The name of this setting is just like its function, called “DisablePagingExecutive”. Changing its value from 0 to 1 disables memory paging.

2) Improve system cache: Change the LargeSystemCache key value from 0 to 1, Windows XP will allocate all system memory except 4M to the file system cache, which means that the XP kernel can Running in memory greatly increases system speed. The remaining 4M of memory is used for disk caching. XP will allocate more when needed under certain conditions. In general, this optimization will result in a considerable increase in system performance, but it may also degrade some applications. As mentioned before, you must have more than 256M of memory to activate LargeSystemCache, otherwise don't move it.

3) Input/Output Performance: This optimization is only meaningful for server users —— it can improve the performance of the system for large file transfer. By default, this key does not exist in the registry. You must create a DWORD (double-byte value) key, named IOPageLockLimit. Most people use this optimization to find the best performance between 8 and 16 Mbytes. What value can be set, you can set it to see which value can get the best performance. Remember that this value is calculated in bytes, so if you want to allocate 12M, it is 12 * 1024 * 1024, which is 12582912. As with the previous memory optimization, it is only necessary to change the value when your memory is larger than 256M.

2. Open DMA: Select IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers from the device administrator, and go to the advanced settings in the Primary/Secondary IDE Channel to set all transfer modes to use DMA (if available). If so, the system will automatically open DMA support (in the BIOS should also be set to support DMA first)

3, XP drive off the CD-ROM self-start (Autorun) function: Open: My computer, at &ldquo Under "Mobile Storage Device", right click on the CD-ROM drive and click on "Properties" to see the "AutoPlay" tab? Change it yourself.

4, set the CPU: Windows XP can not automatically detect the processor's secondary cache capacity, we need to manually set it in the registry, first open the registry (running enter "Regedit"), open:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management, select “SecondLevelDataCache”, according to the processor settings you use, for example, PIII Coppermine/P4 Willamette is "256", Athlon XP is "384", P4 Northwood is "<quo; ; 512 & rdquo;

5, XP when installing the driver, there will often be a window, saying that this program has not been verified by Microsoft, we can control the panel & mdash; & mdash; system & mdash; & mdash; hardware & mdash; & mdash Device Manager —— Driver signature, see the options, know what to do.

6. Prioritize IRQ interrupt requests

Each major component of the computer has an IRQ interrupt number. This is to optimize the purpose by modifying the priority of each IRQ request. The main optimization object here is the system/CMOS real clock, which improves performance through the motherboard. First, to determine which component you want to get higher performance, then find the IRQ interrupt number that the hardware is using. How to find it? Open the system properties in the Control Panel (you can also open it by pressing the Windows+Break hotkey combination on your keyboard). Check the “Hardware” tab and click the <quo;Device Manager” button. Right-click on the component whose IRQ number you want to check, select “Properties", and then click the <quo;Resources" tab. Here you can see the IRQ interrupt number that the device is using (if there is no IRQ interrupt number, choose another device). Write down the interrupt number, then run the registry editor regedit to find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlPriorityControl location in the registry. We are going to create a DWORD double-byte value called IRQ#Priority (where “#” is the specific IRQ interrupt number) and set its value to 1. For example, the IRQ interrupt number of my system CMOS real clock is 8, and the key name I want to create is IRQ8Priority. After restarting your computer, you'll notice an improvement in the performance of the components you just optimized. I strongly recommend using this method to optimize the system CMOS real time clock because it can improve the performance of the entire motherboard. Of course, it is also possible to increase the priority of multiple IRQ interrupt numbers, but the effect is not so good, and may cause system instability. To undo this optimization setting, just delete the registry key you just created and it will be OK.

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