WinXP how to change the shutdown interface back to the classic mode


WinXP shutdown classic interface I do not know you still have no impression, with the use of Win7, Win8 system users increased, many users have not remembered WinXP shutdown interface, there are users in use When WinXP is shut down, it is not familiar with the classic mode. If you want to change it back, the following small series will introduce you to WinXP to modify the shutdown interface back to the classic mode.


1. Click “Start ——Run”, after entering the “control.exe” command, click “OK”.

2. In the "Control Panel" menu that opens, click "User Account".

3, open the user account, find and double-click to open the "change user login and logout method" option.

4, in the open interface, select logon and logoff options, & ldquo; Use the Welcome screen & rdquo; and & ldquo; Fast User Switching & rdquo; in front of check, click on the & ldquo; application option & rdquo ;

5, by the above settings, select Exit to shut down the computer to see the effect.

The above is the step of WinXP to change the shutdown interface to the classic mode, go around or WinXP classic interface to look comfortable, and try it.

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