The system became a lot smarter when it was "dead". When I saw this title, many netizens felt very strange. Is it wrong? Isn't the computer crashing? Is it not? Ok, how can you become smart, is it contradictory? When you look at the complete text and find the answer in your heart, then you understand that the title is not in the flicker.
Maybe using Windows XP The chances of the system's friend computer crashing are much less than before, but for various reasons, the computer sometimes does not respond for a long time, and it is similar to crash. In fact, the computer is not really a crash, but in a state of suspended animation.
The test method is: press the Num Lock button in the digital area. If the indicator light responds, it means a fake crash. At this time, we can press “Ctrl+Alt+Del” to execute “end the task" in “Windows Task Manager". However, sometimes this trick is not very good, although there is a prompt box that is closing ……”, the system will still not respond for a long time. Can you personalize the system and let the “crash” become smart and fast? Come with me.
Enter “regedit”Open“Registry Editor" in the "Start →Run", and modify the registry as follows:
1. Set the program error Waiting time
Open “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\desktop”, find "HungAppTimeout" in the window on the right, and change the key value to 2000 in milliseconds.
2. Speed up the closing application
Open “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop”, find “WaitToKillAppTimeout” in the right window, change the key value to 10000, the unit is milliseconds .
3. Allow forced shutdown
Open “HEKY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Control Panel\\desktop”, in the right window, find “AutoEndTasks”, change the key value to 1.
4.Automatically restart when the system crashes
Open “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\CrashControl”, find "AutoReboot" in the right window, and change the key value to 1.
After the above changes, you will find that the system becomes much smarter when it is "dead". Seeing the complete text is not clear, Xiaobian is not fooling you, it is really such a thing.
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