Windows System Optimization Five Secrets


How to optimize system management, improve system efficiency, and speed up as much as possible is our concern. Here are some ways to improve the system's efficiency and optimize system management in the Windows operating system. That is the five tricks of Windows system optimization introduced in this tutorial. Would you like to know about it?

Remove files that have an impact on system security

Some command files in the Windows folder may have a certain impact on system security. To prevent hard drive data from being corrupted or system configuration changed, they should be removed. These files are mainly:

FDISK.EXE hard disk partition command

FORMAT.EXE disk formatting command

DELTREE.EXE delete directory tree command

MSCONFIG .EXE System Utility Configuration Commands

The second trick is to keep the Windows interface intact and tidy

To keep the Windows desktop intact and tidy, you can modify the registry by "HKEY_CURRENT _USER\\Software\\Microsoft The content in \\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer" is implemented as follows:

● DWORD value NoChangStartMenu, and set its value to 1, which prohibits changing the start menu (including moving menu item position, passing Right click to delete the menu item, etc.).

● Add the DWORD value NoSetTaskbar and set its value to 1, which disables the modification of the taskbar properties.

● Increase the DWORD value NoSaveSettings and set its value to 1, which can disable the modification of the desktop, such as the automatic arrangement of desktop icons, the width and position of the taskbar.

Also, add the DWORD value NoDispCPL to the registry's "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\

CurrentVersion \\Policies\\Explorer\\System" and set the value to 1. It is forbidden to modify the system "display" attribute.

The third trick hides some system-sensitive settings

The so-called "system-sensitive settings" are some of the effects on the security of the system, and the network administrator does not want the user to change it at will. Some settings, such as some hardware configuration of the system, display refresh rate, virtual memory, etc., can be solved by modifying the registry.

1.Modification of "System Properties"

The changes in this option are for the registry"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microso

ft\\Windows \\CurrentVersion \\Policies\\System" The primary key is changed as follows:

(1) Disable display of "Device Manager" Option: New DWORD value: "NoDevMgrPage", and set its value to " 1".

(2) It is forbidden to display "hardware configuration file" option: New DWORD value: "NoConfigPage", and set its value to "1".

(3 ) The option to "virtual memory" is forbidden: create a new DWORD value: "NoVirtMemPage" and set its value to "1".

(4) Disable "File System" options: Create a new DWORD value: "NoFileSysPage", and set its value to "1". Previous123Next page Total 3 pages

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