Check the registry and the common commands of DOS


Without the registry, the operating system does not have the necessary information to run and control the attached devices and applications and respond appropriately to user input. The importance of the registry can be seen. To this end, today we introduce some common commands to enter the registry. This is a very useful function, especially for rookie. When you are helpless in the face of machine failure, you can use this function to achieve .

First, start-->Run

regedit Enter the registry

1. gpedit.msc-----Group Policy

2. sndrec32------- Recorder

3. Nslookup-------IP Address Detector

4. explorer-------Open Resources Manager

5. logoff---------logout command

6. tsshutdn-------60 seconds countdown shutdown command

7 Lusrmgr.msc----native users and groups

8. services.msc---local service settings

9. oobe/msoobe /a----check XP Activate

10. notepad--------Open Notepad

11. cleanmgr-------Garbage Finishing

12. net start messenger ----Start messenger service

13. compmgmt.msc---Computer Management

14. net stop messenger-----stop messenger

15. conf-----------Start netmeeting

16. dvdplay--------DVD Player

17 Charmap--------Start Character Map

18. diskmgmt.msc---Disk Management Utility

19. calc--------- --Start Calculator

20. dfrg.msc-------Disk Defragmenter

21. chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk Disk Check

22. devmgmt.msc--- Device Manager

23. regsvr32 /u *.dll----stop dll file running

24. drwtsn32------ System Doctor

25. rononce -p ----15 Seconds Shutdown

26. dxdiag---------Check DirectX Information

27. regedt32 -------Registry Editor

28. Msconfig.exe---System Configuration Utility

29. rsop.msc-------Group Policy Results Set

30. mem.exe--------Show memory usage

31. regedit.exe----Registry

32. winchat --------XP comes with LAN chat

33. progman--------Program Manager

34. winms d---------System Information

35. perfmon.msc----Computer Performance Monitoring Program

36. winver---------Check Windows version

37. sfc /scannow-----scan error and restore

38. taskmgr-----task manager (2000/xp/2003

39. winver---------Check Windows version

40. wmimgmt.msc----Open Windows Management Architecture (WMI)

41. wupdmgr-- ------windows update program

42. wscript--------windows script host settings

43. write----------write Board

44. winmsd---------System Information

45. wiaacmgr-------Scanner and Camera Wizard

46. Winchat--------XP comes with LAN chat

47. mem.exe-------- shows memory usage

48. Msconfig.exe-- - System Configuration Utility

49. mplayer2-------Simple widnows media player

50. mspaint--------Painting Board

51. mstsc----------Remote Desktop Connection

52. mplayer2-------Media Player Previous1234Next page Total 4 pages

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