Explain the powerful chat features of Excel


EXCEL's amazing function, well-known, but there are some small features that many friends may not know, that is Excel's chat function, did you not expect such a function? Then hurry to see is What is going on?

Excel can also chat? Yes! It is understood that Excel chat refers to creating a shared workbook document in Excel in a shared folder in a local area network. Multiple users simultaneously edit and process the file. Real-time chat in the process! LAN users can use Excel to chat and work together! Click “Review”-“Share Workbook”-“Allow multiple users to edit at the same time, and allow workbook to merge“ -”Save“-"Save this Excel on the LAN sharing platform> Multi-party can input and receive the updated content in Excel at the same time.

A lot of units have set up a local area network. Although there are many tools that can chat on the local area network, it is inconvenient to use, and secondly it is not safe (it is easy for the boss to find out). To this end, I recommend that you use Excel to chat.

★First step: Open Excel 2003, create a new workbook document, and save it by name (such as “Work Records.xls”). Previous12Next page Total 2 pages

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