Often in the forum Q&A area, you should know that many people are complaining that the website under Vista cannot be browsed or the speed is very slow. Generally, we like to think that Thunder takes up too much bandwidth. In fact, sometimes it is the culprit. It is Vista's TCP auto-tuning function.
Try to open certain websites in Internet Explorer on a Windows Vista-based computer. However, you may experience slow Internet connection problems and you may receive the following error message:
This page cannot be displayed.
To resolve this issue, disable the TCP autotune feature. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the computer as a user with administrative privileges.
2. Click “Start”, Attachments, find the command prompt, right click, run as administrator
3. Type the following command at the command prompt, netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable And press Enter.
4. After successfully running the command, type exit at the command prompt and press Enter.
5. Restart your computer.
6. After logging in to the computer, try to visit a website.
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