Teach you how to find self-starting program skills


If the system automatically loads too many programs when starting, it will cause slow startup, and many viruses or Trojans are automatically loaded at system startup. So it's important to understand how to find a self-starting program in Windows.

a, in & ldquo; Start & rdquo; folder looking for & ldquo; Start & rdquo; folder is typically located & ldquo; the system drive letter \\ Documents and Settings \\ username \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup \\ & rdquo; directory (Win 2000/XP) or “system drive letter \\WINDOWS\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Start\\” directory. The location of the program can be found by the properties of the shortcut.

Second, looking at the Win 98, Autoexec.bat Winstart.bat file and automatically executed at boot time from the automatic batch file; in Win Me /2000 /XP /2003, which Two batch files are not executed by default.

Third, looking from the system configuration file can also find traces since the launch of the program in some system configuration files, such as Config.sys, Win.ini, System.ini, Wininit.ini and Msdos.sys etc. .

Fourth, by & ldquo; the System Configuration Utility & rdquo; looking at & ldquo; start & rarr; run & rdquo; type & ldquo; msconfig.exe & rdquo; start & ldquo; the System Configuration Utility & rdquo ;, enter & ldquo; start & rdquo The tabs allow you to see the name and location of the program that was launched with the system.

Note: Win 2000 does not have Msconfig program, can be extracted in 2003 from Win XP /.

Five, looking from the planned tasks in & ldquo; Control Panel & rdquo; double-click & ldquo; mission plan & rdquo; you can see whether there are plans to start the task with the system.

Sixth, use & ldquo; System Information & rdquo; looking into the & ldquo; System Information & rdquo; the main interface, expand the branch & ldquo; software environment & rarr; launcher & rdquo ;, you can see in the right pane from the start Program name and location.

Seven, the use of & ldquo; group policy & rdquo; looking in Win 2000 /XP /2003, & ldquo in; start & rarr; run & rdquo; type & ldquo; gpedit.msc & rdquo ;, open & ldquo; group policy & rdquo; , expand “user configuration →management template →system →login/logout”, double-click “run these programs when the user logs in>, click the “display” button to view the self-starting program .
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