140 Windows XP Tips for Masters Novices


1. Reinstall Windows XP without activation

If you need to reinstall Windows XP, you usually have to reactivate. In fact, as long as the Wpa.dbl file in the WindowsSystem32 directory is backed up during the first activation, there is no need to activate it. After reinstalling Windows XP, just copy the file to the above directory.

2. How to know if your Windows XP is activated

Open Start → Run, enter: oobe/msoobe /a in the dialog box of the bomb, after the carriage return, the system will bomb The window tells you if the system has been activated.

3. Turn off the zip folder function

Do you think that the zip folder function in Windows XP is too slow and the function is not attractive? If so, you can open the start → Run, enter: regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll in the dialog box of the bomb, you can close the ZIP folder function after you press Enter.

4. Let Windows XP also engrave ISO files

Windows XP does not provide the ability to directly burn ISO files, but you can download a third-party plugin to add this feature to your system. The plugin is available for download at http://members.home.net/alexfein/is...rderSetup.msi.

5. The background of the login interface changes color

Open the registry editor, find [HKEY-USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelColors], change the value of the Background to "0 0 0” (without Quotes), so the login background becomes black.

6. Uninstall XP completely

Some friends found that they don't like this operating system after installing Windows XP. At this time, you can boot to DOS with Windows 98 installation CD, then type:

format -ur

This will delete all XP files and reinstall Windows 98/Me.

7. System life has straw

When you suspect that the changes made to the computer before the system restart may cause a malfunction, you can press F8 when starting the system, select “ the last correct Configure ” to restore changes made to the system.

8. Recovering Hardware's Previous Drivers

When installing a new hardware driver and discovering that the system is unstable or the hardware is not working, just in “Device Manager” Select the "Driver Recovery" button to revert to the previous normal system state. However, the printer driver cannot be restored.

9. Auto Login

Click Start → Run, type “rundll32netplwiz.dll, UsersRunDll" (without the quotes), then cancel in User Accounts “Users must enter a User name and password to use this computer”, click “OK”, then enter the username and password you want to log in to in the dialog box.

10. Short-cut or restart shortcuts (can be timed)

Right-click on the desktop and select New (shortcut, enter the location in the wizard: C:WINDOWSsystem32shutdown .exe -s -t 10 (where -s can be changed to -r, which means restart, and -t 10 means delay of 10 seconds, you can change this number according to your needs). After making this shortcut, Follow the above method to assign an icon to it. This quick shutdown or restart trick will show a nice dialog box prompting shutdown (restart), and you can add "&cquo;-c " I want to shut down!" ; & rdquo;, this sentence will be displayed in the dialog box, of course, you can write the text, but be careful not to exceed 127 characters.

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