Windows XP's 89 system services fully optimized recommendations


Windows XP 89 System Service Full Optimization Suggestions Pre-adjustment recommendations 1. Do not disable certain services by using msconfig, but instead enter Services.msc to adjust it during the run. 2. Before disabling any service, select a service and then view the information about the service displayed. 3. If you want to try some simpler ways to create and adjust multiple services, you can check out the Windows XP Services Profile Guide. 4. If you want to apply these adjustments more easily, you can check out the Windows XP Services Registry Patch Guide. 5. According to your settings, if the startup type of a service is set to manual, it will not automatically run after the system is started. If you find that this approach makes you feel inconvenient, you can set the relevant service startup type to automatic. 6. After each time you adjust your service settings, it is best to restart your computer. 7. Don't worry if you don't have some of the services mentioned below. Because some services only appear in certain states or after you install some hardware and software. 8. By disabling secondary services, you can save 12-70MB of memory, depending on your system. The last thing to note is that 36 of the system's 89 services are automatically started by default, but in fact, we can only keep 8! Meaning of the table Name: The name displayed for each service in the Service Configuration panel. Service Name: The service's "abbreviation", and is also the name displayed in the registry. Process Name: The name of the process running in the background after starting this service (can be seen by the task manager). Dependency: Other services that the service depends on and other services that depend on it. Home default: This service defaults to Windows XP Home. Pro default: This service is running under Windows XP Professional. Security status: In order to ensure the stability of the system, most people should determine that the service is in this state. Gateway settings: If your computer is running as a gateway, it is best to follow the instructions here for each service. Game settings: If your computer is mainly used to play games, then in order to achieve the best performance, it is best to adjust according to the scheme here. Super User: As a high level user, I naturally hope that the performance of the computer can be mined to the maximum extent, then you can adjust your service according to the scheme here. Finally, if you want your computer to play roles such as game consoles and gateways at the same time, you can also read here to learn how to adapt the system to different applications by creating different hardware profiles.

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