Regsvr32.exe file process detailed


regsvr32.exe file and process analysis

regsvr32.exe - regsvr32 process file: regsvr32 or regsvr32.exe

Process name: Microsoft DLL Registration Service

Process Category: Other Processes

English Description:

regsvr32.exe is a processes belonging to the Windows OS and is used to register dynamic-link libraries and ActiveX controls in the registry This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

Chinese Reference:

regsvr32.exe is used to register the dynamic link library and ActiveX of the Windows operating system. Control. This program is very important for the normal operation of your system.

Producer: Microsoft Corp.

belongs to: Microsoft Windows Operating System

System Process: Yes

Daemon: Yes

Network related: No

Common error: N/A

Memory usage: N/A

Security level (0-5): 0

Spy Software: No

Adware: No

Virus: No

Trojan: No text

Detailed use of regsvr32.exe < Br>

regsvr32.exe is a DLL registration and anti-registration tool used by 32-bit systems. It must be used by command line. The format is:

regsvr32 [/u] [/s] [/n] [/i[:cmdline]] DLL file name

The command can be in the text box of "Start → Run", or you can write a command in the bat batch file in advance. The function of registering the DLL file without any parameters is as follows:

/u: Unregistering the DLL file;

/s: Silent mode (Silent) executes the command, ie succeeds The result prompt box is not displayed under the pre-registration/anti-registration DLL file.

/c: Control port;

/i: Call DllInstall when using /u unregister;

/n: Do not call DllRegisterServer, it must be used with /i.

Run the regsvr32.exe program alone, you can see the error message box popping up "No DLL name specified", and you can see the original English prompt information.

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