Solve bugs in Windows XP file lookups

        The search function of the XP system, when searching for files containing a certain character, is "enhanced efficiency", and the search support for characters in all file types is canceled, and only characters in some file types can be searched. Although the search for characters in many file types has been added to the 309447 patch or SP1 (, some file types cannot be searched. Solution: Refer to Microsoft KB: Using the "A Word or Phrase in the File" Search Criterion May Not Work. Simply summarize the two methods mentioned in the reference: Method 1: If a file type does not support searching The characters can be copied to the Notepad file (excluding horizontal lines), ------------------------------- -------- Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.***\\PersistentHandler] @="{5e941d80-bf96-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}" ------------ --------------------------- Where *** represents the file extension and needs to be modified (edited) to the corresponding file extension. Save it as a reg type file, (the file name is taken casually), double-click this file, import the registry to search for the characters contained in the corresponding extension file. Method 2: Run regedit, edit the key value of the FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions subkey (REG_DEWord type) on the right side of the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet\\Control\\ContentIndex to 1
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