1. Speed up system startup speed
Windows XP starts up about 30% faster than Windows 2000, but it is still slower than Windows 98. However, we can optimize the settings. Greatly improve the startup speed of Windows XP. The main methods are to speed up the system startup speed: minimize the programs and services loaded by the system at startup; optimize the hardware such as disk and CPU; modify the default settings to reduce the startup wait time. Most of these methods can reduce the system startup time, save system resources, and speed up the computer.
(1) Msconfig
Windows XP startup speed is still relatively early in the system installation faster, but with the growing number of software installation, system startup speed will become slower, which is Since many software adds itself to the startup program, it needs to be run at boot time, which greatly reduces the startup speed and also takes up a lot of system resources. For such programs, we can exclude them from the startup group through the system configuration utility Msconfig.
Select the "Run" command in the "Start" menu, type "Msconfig" in the "Run" dialog box, press the "System Configuration Utility" dialog box after the carriage return, select "Start" Tab (Figure 1), which lists the items and sources loaded at system startup, and carefully checks whether each item needs to be loaded automatically. Otherwise, the check box before the item is cleared, and the less loaded items are started. The faster the speed. A reboot is required after the setup is complete.
(2) Bootvis
Bootvis is a startup optimization tools provided by Microsoft, can improve the startup speed of Windows XP.
with BootVis enhance boot speed of Windows XP must be performed in the correct order, otherwise it will not play the effect of speed. The correct operation method is as follows:
Start Bootvis, select the "Options" command under the "Tools" menu from its main window (Figure 2), and type the installation path of Bootvis in the "Symbol Path" field. For example, "C:Program FilesBootvis", click "Save" to exit.
Select the "Next Boot" command from the "Tracking" menu, the "Repeat Tracking" dialog box will pop up, click the "OK" button, BootVis will boot Windows XP restart, the default re The startup time is 10 seconds.
After the system restarts, BootVis automatically starts running and records the startup process, generates the relevant BIN file of the startup process, and automatically names this record file as TRACE_BOOT_1_1. After the program records the startup process file, it will restart the BootVis main interface, and select the startup process file "TRACE_BOOT_1_1" just generated in the "File" menu.
There will be several specific illustrations such as "CPU usage", "Disk I/O", "Disk usage", "Driver delay" in the window for us to analyze, but it is better to let the BootVis program come. Automated analysis: Select the System Optimize command from the Trace menu and the program will restart the computer again and analyze the boot process file to make the computer boot faster.
(3) Disable unnecessary services
Windows XP at startup there will be a number of programs or services are transferred to the system memory, they are often used to control hardware devices Windows system. Memory, file management, or other important system features. However, many of these services are not very useful or even useless to us. Their existence will occupy memory and system resources, so they should be disabled, so that you can save up to 70MB of memory space, and the system speed will naturally be greatly improved. .
Select the "Run" command in the "Start" menu, press "services.msc" in the "Run" dialog box and press Enter to open the "Services" window. The name, status, and startup type of all services provided by the system are listed in the service list of the window. To modify a service, double-click it from the list and its Properties dialog box will pop up (Figure 3). You can modify the service from the General tab by clicking Start, Stop, and The pause and resume buttons are used to modify the status of the service, and the startup type can be modified from the Startup Type drop-down list. The startup types are Auto, Manual, and Disabled. If you want to prevent a service from starting autoloading, you can change its startup type to Disabled.
All the services provided by Windows XP have 36 defaults that are automatically started. In fact, only 8 of them must be retained (see table below), others can be customized according to their own needs. Settings, the role of each service is prompted in the software.
< Br>
Startup Type
Application Management
Provide software installation services such as dispatch, issue and delete
Event Log
Enable event log messages issued by Windows-based programs and components in Event Viewer. Unable to terminate this service
Plug and Play
Automatically detect new Hardware, the key to implementing plug-and-play functionality
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Provide endpoint mapper and other RPC services, genre-system core services
Windows Audio
Manage Windows-based audio devices. If this service is terminated, the audio device and its sound effects will not work properly. If this service is disabled, any services that depend on it will not be able to start
Windows Management Instrumentation
provides a common interface and object model for accessing management information about operating systems, devices, applications, and services. If this service is terminated, most Windows-based software will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that depend on it will not start
Workstation< Br>
Create and maintain a client network connection to the remote service. These connections will not be available if the service is stopped. If the service is disabled, any service that directly depends on this service will not be able to start
Windows Installer
Install, repair, or remove software based on the instructions contained in the .MSI file
< Br>
<4> (4) Modify the registry to reduce pre-reading and reduce the progress bar waiting time
Windows XP will have a progress bar during the startup process. We can change the registry and let the progress bar run only one round to enter the login screen.
Select the "Run" command in the "Start" menu, press the "regedit" command in the "Run" dialog box and press Enter to start the Registry Editor. Look for HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters in the registry. Select the EnablePrefetcher button under it and change its key value to "1".
5) reduce the boot disk scan wait time
when Windows logs recorded non-normal shutdown, caused by the crash restart, the system will automatically at startup Run ScanDisk. By default, it will wait 10 seconds before scanning each partition. If each partition has to wait 10 seconds to start scanning, plus the time required for scanning itself, it will take a long time to complete the boot process. . In this case we can set the wait time for canceling the disk scan and even for scanning a disk partition.
Select "Start → Run", type "chkntfs /t:0" in the run dialog box to set the disk scan wait time to 0; if you want to ignore scanning a partition when the computer starts, For example, the C drive can be entered with the "chkntfs /xc:" command; if you want to resume scanning the C drive, you can use the "chkntfs /dc:" command to restore all chkntfs default settings, except for the countdown of automatic file check.
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