WinXP SP2 Ultimate Quest: IE Browser Add-on Management

        What is an Internet Explorer add-on?

Internet Explorer add-ons are components that are loaded into the browser for easy and efficient browsing. Common add-ons include additional toolbars, dynamic mouse pointers, stock market information, and ad blockers (such as the 3721 IE tool).

How do add-ons load on your computer?

Many add-ons come from the Internet. Most add-ons from the Internet require your permission before downloading to your computer. But some will download and load if you don't know. This is usually because you have allowed all downloads for a particular site, or because the add-on is part of a program (component) that you have previously installed. There are also add-ons that are already installed when you install Microsoft Windows.

Some add-ons cause Internet Explorer to shut down:

Loading can be safely used as usual, but sometimes it can cause unpredictable shutdown of Internet Explorer. This is usually because these problematic add-ons are designed and compiled for an earlier version of Internet Explorer and are not compatible with later versions.

Internet Explorer Add-on Manager main use:

View: List Add-ons
operating system currently installed, the list of Internet Explorer add-ons in use.

Update: If the add-on is an ActiveX control, you should check if the control has a newer version. If there is an updated version that can be updated, you can use the Add-In Manager dialog to update the ActiveX Control add-in.

Disable: If an add-on frequently causes a recurring problem, you can disable it in the manager.

Report: When prompted to report this issue to Microsoft, you can choose. This report information is completely anonymous. Through error reporting, you can enhance the performance of your products and encourage other developers to update and improve their products.

User Interface:

The Add-In Manager interface can be accessed through the Tools menu in Internet Explorer or the Programs tab in the Internet Options properties.

In the manager, you can set the enable or disable of each add-on separately. However, the Add-In Manager cannot delete add-ons. In the case where the installation location URL of the component is provided, the manager can make available updates to the add-on.

When browsing a page needs to load an add-on that you have disabled, a hint will appear on the Internet Explorer status bar indicating that something may not be loaded.

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