Lock your taskbar
If we don't want others to tamper with the taskbar (including size and position), you can select it by right-clicking in the taskbar's context menu. Lock the taskbar option to achieve, but others can unlock it in the same way. However, in Windows XP Professional, we can use Group Policy to achieve more advanced locking: Enter "gpedit.msc" in the "Run" dialog box and press Enter. After starting the group policy, expand "User Configuration → Administrative Templates → Taskbar and [Start] menu, find the "Lock Taskbar" in the right window and double-click the option, then select "Enabled" in the pop-up window, then "OK". Now open the "Taskbar" property again and you will see that the "Lock Taskbar" option has become unselectable!
Disabling taskbar context menu
We can completely disable the context menu of the taskbar so that when other mouse is used When you right click on the taskbar and find that there is no response, he will think that the right mouse button is broken! As for the method, as long as we click "User Configuration → Administrative Templates → Taskbar and [Start] Menu" in Group Policy, then in the right window, find the "Block access to the taskbar's context menu" item and "enable" it. can.
Tip: After "Lock the taskbar" or disable the context menu, if you want to enable it again, just go to Group Policy again and set the relevant option to "Disable". In addition, in the group policy, there are many settings about the "Start" menu and the taskbar (as shown in the figure), you can set according to your own preferences.
let time show a more complete
By default, the far right of the taskbar clock display area only clock and minute, without displaying Date and week. In fact, we can make the time display more complete: right-click on the blank space of the taskbar, clear the check box in front of the "Lock Taskbar" in the pop-up menu, and then use the mouse to pull the taskbar up and about the original Double the size, you can see that the date and the week have been displayed (in order from top to bottom). Finally, use the same method to select the check box in front of "Lock Taskbar".
we can not only use this method to change the size of the task bar, you can also change its position: as long as the lifting of the taskbar locked, use the mouse to pull its border to the appropriate location.
How to deal with suspended animation in the taskbar
Many users will find when using Windows XP, sometimes when we click the taskbar button (or When the rest of the taskbar is), the system will be unresponsive, just like a crash, but it will be better after a while. This is especially true when there are many task windows, and the number is more frequent. The quick solution to solve the taskbar "fake death" is to use the "Alt + Tab" shortcut to switch tasks. A more thorough solution is to download the taskbar fake patch released by Microsoft (address: http://download.5iyt.com/SoftDown.ASP?ID=1320
), or upgrade Windows XP to SP1. .
Specify the number of windows for grouping similar taskbar buttons
"Grouping similar taskbar buttons" is one of the frequently used ones. Function, but too many windows in a group will affect the work. Have you ever thought about specifying the number of windows in each group? Open the Registry Editor and navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced", create a new DWord value "TaskbarGroupSize", set it to the number of windows you want, usually 2~8.