Now things are updated too fast, this is not, Windows XP has been quietly occupying its position, although Windows XP features really good, but the requirements for the computer are also higher. However, in order for Windows XP to serve you better, you need to create some personality and master the skills. How do you want to be a Windows XP master? Then continue to look down.
1. change Windows XP logon background pattern:
to be faced with a long-term pattern login, will certainly feel very monotonous, Come with me, let us work together to put it into The pattern we like. The steps are as follows: first open the registry editor, find the HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Control Panel\\Desktop subkey branch, double-click on Wallpaper, type the path of your favorite picture, click "OK", then find Tilewallpaper, double-click the input key value " 1", after confirming and restarting the system, the effect is not changed! Try it now.
2. change the background color when the login:
modified over the background pattern when Windows XP login, you can also change the background color when the Windows XP logon. First, open the registry editor, find the HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Control Panel\\Colors subkey branch, double-click the Background key name under the subkey branch, the "Edit String" dialog box will appear, under "Value Data" Enter the color key you want in the box, after "OK", restart the system. (The system default is 58 110 165, white is 255 255 255, red is 255 0 0, black is 000).
3. The magic of "running":
Entering "." in the "Run" option in the "Start" menu will open C:\\Documents and Settings\\XXX (currently logged in to Windows) XP username) folder; enter ".." in the "Run" option and select "OK", the computer will open the Documents and Settings folder under the drive letter of Windows XP (such as C:\\Documents and Settings ); if you type "..." and then select "OK", the "My Computer" option will open.
4. faster boot:
Windows XP though so that, but start-up time is a bit long, then we let it further shorten the time to start. Open the registry, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management\\PrefetchParameters subkey branch in the Registry Editor, and change the key value of the EnablePrefetcher key item on the right to "1", (its default value Restarting the computer for "3"), is it a lot faster?
5. speed up the shutdown speed:
since the Windows XP boot faster, it also shortens the shutdown speed, of course. Open the registry editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\ControlPanel\\Desktop subkey branch, change the key value of the HunaAppTimeout key value to "5000", and change the key value of the WaittoKillaPPTimeout key value to "4000". Next, find HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ in the registry editor, change the key value of the WaitToKillServiceTimeout key value to "4000", and then restart the system to speed up the shutdown of Windows XP.
6. Quickly open the folder:
In the "Explorer", if there are too many folders, in order to conveniently view all the subdirectories under a folder, just select This folder, and then press the "*" key on the keypad, the computer will expand all subdirectories under this folder. For example, if you select "C drive" and press the "*" key on the keyboard, the computer will open all the files under "C drive". Restore the previous desktop settings when
7. Start:
there are others tamper with my computer, and my desktop settings messed up. But fortunately, I have my own secrets, as long as I restart my computer, it will become my original settings. If you want to learn, come on! First open the registry editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Polices\\Explorer subkey branch, delete the "NoSaveSettings" key value or change its key value to "0", after confirming, re Start the system. Ok, in the future, how can you change your desktop settings, as soon as you restart your computer, you will return to your previous settings.
8. Change the window pop-up speed:
through some simple changes you can change the pop-up window effect, do not want to try it? First open the registry editor, then find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics subkey branch, find the MinAniMate key in the right window, the type is REG_SZ, by default the value of this value is 1, indicating that the window is open The displayed animation, change it to 0, then disable the animation display, then select the "Logout" command from the start menu to activate the changes you just made.
9. Windows XP prohibition of compression:
Windows XP comes with a compression function, although more convenient, but relatively simple function. We use some more professional compression software when compressing, so the compression function that comes with Windows XP is not useful to us. To cancel it, just click "Run" under "Start", type "regsvr32/u zipfldr.dll" in the "Run" input box, and press Enter.
10. Set to start the personalized information or warnings:
own computer, of course, have to reflect their own personality. Here's a trick to personalize Windows XP startup. Open the Registry Editor, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon subkey branch, double-click the LegalNoticeCaption value, open the "Edit String" dialog box, and enter your own text in the text box under "Value Data" The title of the message you want, such as "Happy, buddy!", then click "OK" to restart the system. If you want to change the warning message, you can double-click the LegalNoticeText name, enter the warning message you want to display in the "Edit String" window that appears, click the "OK" button, and restart to see the modified effect. It is.
11. Quickly view the drive component information:
Right click on "My Computer", select "Manage" in the pop-up menu, and then open "Library under Removable Storage" ", right click on the drive you want to query, select "Properties" in the pop-up menu, then click on "Device Information", you can easily see the drive information.