Play XP System Featured Win XP Tip 10

1. Prohibit Reporting Errors to Microsoft

If there is an error in the running program, a window with a report error will appear asking if you want to report the error to Microsoft. For most people, this is definitely a function of the game, turning off this feature can save time - I believe that few people are willing or need to report bugs to Microsoft to help Microsoft debug XP.

You can disable this ability to report bugs or have it take different actions for different programs. The steps to disable this feature are as follows:

Open System in the Control Panel.

Select the "Advanced" tab.

Click the "Error Report" button and the dialog box in Figure 1 appears.

Click "Disable Error Reporting". Click "OK" to confirm your changes.

Figure 1

If you want to use the error reporting function for different programs, the setting steps are as follows:

In the "Error Reporting" window of Figure 1, select "Enable". Error reporting", then click "Select Program".

In the Select Programs dialog box, check All Programs in List and select the program for which you want to enable error reporting. XP provides only two types of programs to choose from: Microsoft-supplied programs, Windows components. Click the "Add" button to add other programs to the list.

If you want to disable error reporting for a specific program, click the Add button below the "Do not report errors for these programs" list to add the program to the list and ensure that the check box in front of the program is selected. This feature is useful if you are debugging your own program.

Second, delete XP components

In the Windows Components Wizard, there are some Windows components not listed, such as Windows Messenger and WordPad (Wordpad), these components can not be directly deleted with the Windows Component Wizard . If you really want to delete them, there are still ways.

XP controls which components are displayed by the Windows Component Wizard through an installation configuration file. By modifying this installation configuration file, you can delete components that are not displayed in the Windows Component Wizard just like deleting other components.

The name of the installation configuration file is sysoc.inf, in the \\Windows\\INF directory. Each line of the sysoc.inf file describes a component. Open this file with Notepad and find the line that describes the component to be deleted. Delete the hide or HIDE word for the line (do not delete the comma). For example, if you want to delete the "3D Pinball" game, first find the following line:


Change it to :


Save the sysoc.inf file after modifying it. Open the Control Panel, select "Add or Remove Programs", click "Add/Remove Windows Components" to launch the Windows Components Wizard, and now a "tableball" has been added to the list of removable components.

The component name in the sysoc.inf file is the English name of the abbreviation. This English name does not have a clear correspondence with the Chinese name we usually see. If you know the Chinese name of the component to be deleted, to determine its English name in the sysoc.inf file, one way is to view the component's program name, for example, right-click the component on the Start menu to view the Properties dialog box. "Shortcuts". However, the program name of some components is slightly different from its name in sysoc.inf. For example, the program name of WordPad is wordpad.exe, and its name in the sysoc.inf file is MSWordPad. In any case, you should be able to find the name in the sysoc.inf file after several trials. Table 1 is some of the results of my experiments.

Table 1:

sysoc.inf Name Component Chinese Name

AccessOpt Accessibility Wizard

MultiM Multimedia Components, including Media Player, Volume Control, Recorder

CommAPPS communication components, including HyperTerminal, Dialogue, and Phone Dialer.

AutoUpdate Windows Update

TerminalServer Terminal Server

Dtc Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Com COM+

WBEM WMI (Windows) Management Instrumentation)

Pinball 3D Pinball

MSWordPad WordPad

msmsgs Windows Messenger

3. Delete orphaned installation registration entries

After some programs are deleted, their names remain in the list of the "Add or Remove Programs" dialog box and become isolated registration entries. If you click the "Change" or "Delete" button, you will only get an error message saying The program has been removed. If you install and experiment with many different programs frequently, more and more isolated registration entries will be a headache.

To delete an orphaned entry, follow these steps:

From the command line or the Run dialog, execute Regedit to open the Registry Editor.

Locate the \\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall branch under HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE.

Click the "+" symbol to display a list of subkeys.

Locate the subkey that contains the orphaned entry.

Select this subkey and press the Delete key to delete it.

Close the Registry Editor.

Open Add or Remove Programs again and the orphaned entries in the list will disappear.

Fourth, change the timeout limit of the program

When a program is suspended and no longer responds to events, XP displays a dialog asking whether to force the program to close or continue to wait. By default, this dialog will appear as long as the program has not responded for half a second. If you are designing and debugging your own program, this timeout limit may be too short and can cause a lot of trouble.

If you want to modify the time that XP waits for the program to respond, follow these steps:

Run the Registry Editor.

Open the \\Control Panel\\Desktop branch of HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Find the HungAPPTimeout value.

Modify the HungAPPTimeout value, for example 10000 (default is 5000).

Close the Registry Editor.

The newly set value must be valid after it has been restarted.

V. Balance of performance and visual effects

The Windows XP user interface has many special visual effects, such as smooth scrolling list boxes, etc. These effects enrich the XP user interface, however, They also put a heavy burden on system performance.

How much visual effect you want to enable must be determined by the performance of the system. You can turn off all visual effects, or you can decide which visual effects to enable, or manually select the visual effects to start. The steps are as follows:

Right-click "My Computer", select "Properties", and select the "Advanced" tab.

Click the "Settings" button in the "Performance" area, and the "Performance Options" dialog box in Figure 2 appears.

Enable or disable various visual effects as prompted by the dialog box.

Figure 2

Six, custom CPU time

XP defines the priority for each running program and process, the priority determines a program relative The ratio of CPU time spent on other programs. XP allows definitions of priority to include: low, below standard, standard, higher than standard, high, real time.

Most programs are standard priority. However, you can use the Task Manager to change the priority of any process and program. For example, if you run a large number of applications, you can make 3D shooting games take up more CPU resources and make the game run more smoothly.

To modify the priority, follow these steps:

Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to start the Task Manager.

Select the Process page.

Right-click on the target program or process, select the menu "Set Priority" and select the appropriate priority.

The new priority is only valid during the running of the program or process. If you end the program and then open it, XP will re-set the default priority for it.

Seven, create a disk cleanup configuration file

Windows provides a disk cleanup tool to help us clean up unused files on the disk. The Disk Cleanup tool is usually opened with the "Programs -> Attachments -> Administrative Tools" menu in the Start menu, but we can also create and use Disk Cleanup Profiles with its command line version.

Execute cmd.exe to enter the command line window, and then do the following:

Execute cleanmgr /Sageset:n to create a disk cleanup configuration file, where n is any value between 1 and 65535 . You can create multiple profiles for different disk and cleanup purposes.

XP displays the "Disk Cleanup Settings" dialog box, as shown in Figure 3. It is required to select the items to be cleaned by the current configuration file. This dialog provides more options than the disk cleanup tool that runs in the normal way. For example, it includes clear debug dump files, installation log files, classification files for content indexers, old Chkdsk files, and WebClIEnt/Publisher temporary. Options such as files. However, if the cleanup configuration file you created is not a disk for installing XP, some options will not be available.

Select the item to be cleaned with the current profile and click "OK" to save the configuration file.

Figure 3

In the future, if you want to perform the cleanup operation defined by this configuration file, run cleanmgr /Sagerun:n, where n is the configuration file number.

VIII. Modify IE's LOGO

IE has a LOGO icon in the upper right corner. When IE activity (such as downloading files), the static LOGO will become an animation. In XP, the default LOGO icon for IE 6 is a flying window. If you are tired of the default icon, you can change your own icon.

The animation state of the LOGO involves two bitmap files, the two graphics can be the same, but the size is different, one width is 32 pixels, the other width is 22 pixels.

Use bitmap editing software to create bitmaps, such as the brush program, so that the bitmaps form a form similar to the order of the movie frames, that is, the same size "frames" are vertically arranged. For example, if 10 frames are arranged in a large icon, the large icon has a width of 38 pixels and a height of 380 pixels. Figure 4 is an example. Assume that the file names of the large and small bitmaps are AniLargeLOGO.bmp and AniSmallLOGO.bmp, respectively, and are saved in the C:\\Windows directory.

Figure 4

When the browser is active, the LOGO logo shows the animation: the first frame of the bitmap is displayed first, then the second and third frames are displayed, and the display is displayed until the end. A frame, then loop from the beginning to form an animation effect. When the browser is inactive, the browser will use the first frame of the animation bitmap as a static bitmap of the LOGO unless otherwise specified in the non-animated LOGO bitmap.

After designing the dynamic bitmap, the next step is to modify the registry to set a new LOGO animation. First start the Registry Editor and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Toolbar. Then, create two new string values, SmBrandBitmap and BrandBitmap, and set them to a small animated bitmap (22 pixels) and a large animated bitmap (38 pixels).

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