Use a recoverable encryption for all users in the domain to store passwords: To ensure password security, it is recommended to disable this feature.
clear concrete meaning and scope of each option, we have the flexibility to customize password rules, and the author here to provide a reference scenario: Enable password complexity requirements, minimum password length is eight characters long, mandatory password After the history is set to 0, the longest (short) retention period of the password is determined. Generally, the longest retention period is set to 2 to 3 times of the minimum retention period. If the maximum retention period is set to 30 days, the minimum retention period can be set. For 10 days, this is more reasonable.
Renaming the system administrator account
Windows XP default system administrator account name is "Administrator" (the so-called real system administrator account), many system experts recommend users This account is password-set because the account is hidden under normal system status. In the safe mode, the account appears in the login screen. If no password is set, of course, you can use the password. Into the system. In "Local Security Settings", we can rename the system administrator account name, expand "Local Policies → Security Options" in the left tree, and double-click "Account: Rename System Administrator Account Administrator" in the right panel. A new system administrator account can be entered in the pop-up window (as shown in Figure 6). However, after several tests, the new system administrator account name cannot be the name of the currently logged in administrator account. Otherwise, the “Failed to save local policy database” error dialog box is displayed.
In fact, as early as when you install Windows XP system, create an account nickname does not allow for the Administrator and Guest name, if you and I, like, want to use the "Administrator" Account nickname, you don't have to enter any characters in the account nickname at this time, directly cold start the system, after restarting, Windows XP has skipped the account nickname step, log in directly to the system with the Administrator account
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