Windows XP operating system is known for its stable performance and beautiful appearance. But by modifying the registry, we can make the system more in line with our own personality. In the following article we will provide some application tips that will make your system more personal. Today we are launching the second half.
1, any custom button color
Although Windows XP itself with multiple window display scheme, but you want to define the color of a particular site, such as the color of the button from black to blue Color or red, then you need to modify the registry, the steps are as follows: open the registry editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelColors subkey branch, double click on the Bottontext under it, in the dialog box that opens, change its key value to what you want To get the value of the color, such as red 255 0 0, click the "OK" button, and restart the system to see the effect, then the text color on the button will turn red, in addition you can modify the width of the button and Parameters such as height and background.
2, to improve the "Start" sub-menu display speed
menu MenuShowDelay reduced value (position supra). The value type is REG_SZ, which defaults to 400 and can be set to 50. If this value is set too small, such as 0, the submenu will be displayed immediately when the mouse pointer passes the menu, interfering with the user's selection operation. After experimentation, setting it to 50 allows the submenu to appear as soon as possible, and avoids the submenu that pops up quickly to interfere with the line of sight.
3, let
completely hidden file on our computer there are always some secret documents of their own, for these documents, we certainly do not want people just to see, even if we have the The file's property is set to "hidden". On the surface this file is missing, but it is well known that by clicking the "Folder Options" command in the "View" menu, then selecting "Show all files" in the "View" tab. So that your hidden files are all exposed, so how can you completely hide the files? Here's a safer way to tell you.
Enter "regedit" in the "Run" dialog box to open the Registry Editor;
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorer
AdvancedFolderHiddenSHOWALL, CheckedValue key value, modify its key value It is "0". If there is no such value, you can create a new "DWord value" named "CheckedValue" and then change its value to "0".
Finally, quit the registry editor, restart the computer, then you will find that the file set to "hidden" properties can be completely hidden, even if you select "Show all files" in the "Folder Options" window ", our hidden files will not be revealed.
4, show hidden files
in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionExplorerAdvanced sub-key, there are several values affect the display hidden files and folders. To have XP display hidden files and folders, set Hidden to 1. To display the file extension, set HideFileExt to 0. To display the protected operating system file, set ShowSuperHidden to 1. Note: This part of the settings can also be modified via the View tab of the Folder Options dialog.
5, clean up the "Start" menu
find HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicIEsExplorer sub-key, if you want all user files in addition to the "My Documents" folder to clear, then, the NoStartMenuMyMusic, NoSMMyPictures, NoFavoritesMenu and NoRecentDocsMenu are set to 1. If you also want to disable the "My Documents" menu, then set NoSMMyDocs to 1.
6, prohibit modify user folder
find HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicIEsExplorer. If you want to lock the physical location of the user folders "Picture Collection", "My Documents", "Favorites", "My Music", set the following keys to 1: DisableMyPicturesDirChange, DisablePersonalDirChange, DisableFavoritesDirChange, DisableMyMusicDirChange.
7, Clear virtual memory page file operations that modify the registry
shutdown mainly for data security, but little practical significance on many occasions. Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management subkey and set ClearPageFileAtShutdown to 1.
run the program in a different memory space to find HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicIEsExplorer subkey, the MemCheckBoxInRunDlg set to 1, the "Start" menu "Run dialog box" will add a "standalone Run in memory space" option.
Finally, please don't forget to use the Favorites function of the XP Registry Editor. You can mark a location in Regedit with the "Favorites" feature, so you don't have to look for subkeys one level at a time. The specific usage is: run Regedit, find the target key (for example, HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows), select the subkey to be added to the favorites (for example, CurrentVersion), click the menu "Favorites> Add to Favorites", and make an easy to remember for the collection. Name, then click "OK". It is recommended to use a naming scheme that can help you identify the location of the subkeys, such as "HKLM...CurrentVersion" or "HKLMSMSWinCV".
9, the general changes icon size (pixels)
Change [HKEY-CURRENT-USERControl PaneldesktopWindowMetrics], so Shell Icon Size = "32" can.
10, small changes icon size (pixels)
in [HKEY-CURRENT-USERControl PaneldesktopWindowMetrics], change or new Shell Small Icon "16" can.
11, 01 00 00 00 disable the system right
pop-up menu in the [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer], the establishment of key NoVIEwContextMenu =.
12, prohibiting the taskbar right
pop-up menu in the [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicIEsExplorer], the new NoTrayContextMenu = 01 00 00 00. 13 is
, CD-ROM auto-run prohibiting
in [HKEY-CLASSES-ROOTAudioCDshell], the new key-value @ = ""
14, close the "application no response Waiting time (milliseconds)
In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERControl Paneldesktop], create a new WaitToKillAPPTimeOut=“10000”
15. Automatically clear the document content when exiting
In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicIEsExplorer], create a new ClearRecentDocsOnExit= 01 00 00 00.