Little-known four WinXP optimization skills

Windows XP operating system, there are some features we may not need, but he occupies our system resources, and some functions may be caused by improper settings, may also cause system resources waste, this article Introduced four tips to help you improve the speed of the Windows XP operating system.

a, modify the pre-read settings to improve speed

Win XP pre-read settings using this new technology
, to improve system speed. If you have PIII 800, 512M memory or more, it is recommended to modify it:

1. Run "egedit"

2. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management\\ PrefetchParameters\\EnablePrefetcher];

3. Set the value 0,1,2,3. 0-Disable, 1-ready application, 2-start pre-read, 3-pre-read both (" 3", recommended).

4. restart.

thus reducing start-up time.

Second, to reduce the waiting time

disk scan in the "Command Prompt", type "chkntfs /t: 0"

0: represents the waiting time is 0 seconds < BR>
Third, close the disk index

Win XP records all files for fast searching, if you do not often find the file, you can turn it off.

1. Open my computer

2. Right click on the drive and select "Properties".

3. Cancel "Use index to quickly find files". Benefits

Fourth, optimize NTFS file system NTFS

Needless to say it, but there are also inadequate.

Cancel the last disk access update, which will slow down the partition with large capacity.

Run "regedit"

In HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentContolSet\\Control\\Filesystem), add DWord, the value is 1.
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