Easy access to unused IP addresses in Windows XP


When we solve the DHCP failure of the Windows operating system, we sometimes find out which addresses in an address range are not used. Just create a batch file and ask it to return only those unused IP addresses, then enter the results of the command into a text file.

As a network administrator, when we solve the DHCP failure of the Windows operating system, we sometimes find out which addresses in an address range are not used. I have previously introduced a method: open a command prompt window, call the ping command in the For...in...Do loop. For example, to find out which addresses are not used in the address range to, you can use this command: For /L %f in (1,1,100) Do Ping.exe -n 2 192.168.1.% f

This command reports all IP addresses in the specified range. Whether it is used or not, the user has to look through a large amount of content in the command line window. In fact, we can avoid these troubles, just create a batch file, ask it to return only those unused IP addresses, and then enter the results of the command into a text file. The following describes the method:

Open Notepad and enter the following command in the window:

@Echo off
date /t > IPList.txt
time /t > > IPList.txt
echo =========== >> IPList.txt
For /L %%f in (1,1,100) Do Ping.exe -n 2 192.168 .1.%%f

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