How to make unsaved documents not lost due to computer failure


Use automatic recovery to recover unsaved documents

Click the "Options" command in the "Tools" menu, then click Save the label and check the Auto Save Interval check box. In the Minute box, enter the time interval to determine when Windows XP saves the document. The shorter the time, the more frequently Windows XP saves the document. When there is a power outage or similar problem after opening the document in Windows XP, the more information that can be recovered, of course, is generally set to 1 minute.

After the above settings, all documents that are open when a power outage or similar problem occurs will be displayed the next time you start Word, you can save them. However, before replacing the original document, please verify that the recovery file contains the information you need, and do not overwrite the original file.


(1) Windows XP's timed save file function is only valid for DOC files, other files are invalid, so I suggest you save the document as Word when editing. Format, and then save as other formats after editing;

(2) The "automatic recovery" function is not equivalent to normal document saving. If you choose not to save after Windows XP opens the recovery file, the file will be deleted and the unsaved changes will be lost. If you choose to save the recovery file, it will replace the original document.

Document Auto Backup to recover unsaved documents

In Windows XP we can set it up to automatically save a backup of the document: Click Tools - Options - Save - Keep Backup - determine. After this setup, Windows XP automatically saves a backup of the document.


(1) Note that Word automatically saves its backup when editing a document. Its extension is not ".bak" but ".wbk", if If you encounter a document that cannot be opened, just select "All Files" in the open range and open the backup document directly.

(2) This backup provides the last saved copy, so that the current saved information will be saved in the original document, and the last saved information will be saved in the copy. Each time you save a document, the new backup replaces the existing backup. This way, you don't have to worry about accidentally saving unwanted information or deleting the original file. Keeping backups can save your work results.

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