Computer Knowledge Windows Shortcuts Introduction


Computer Knowledge Windows Shortcuts Introduction

First, win+m display desktop

win+pause system properties

Quick restart: Press shift before pressing OK (not for 2k, xp).

Delete completely: shift+del

Do not let the disc run automatically: Press shift

Ctrl+Esc : Equivalent to "Start" or WIN key

Ctrl+Home: Move the cursor to the beginning of the text editing area (Home single: Move to the beginning of the column)

Ctrl+End : Move the cursor to the end of the text editing area (End single: move to the end of the column)

Alt+F4: Close the current window (if you click the desktop and then press it to shut down)

Second, F2: change the name

windows+e resource manager

windows+r run

windows+f find

windows+u close system< Br>

windows+d minimizes all windows, press Win+D again to return to the window before minimization

windows+m minimizes all windows, but press again to return to minimize Front window

Shift + F10, you can open the selected item in the context menu

Hold down the CTRL + SHIFT drag the file: create a shortcut.

Third, shutdown shortcut

(1). Right click on the desktop blank space -> -> Select

(2). Type rundll.exeuser .exe,exitwindows

(3). Type or the name you want -> Press

4. Restart shortcut

(1). Repeat above (1)

(2). Type rundll.exeuser.exe, exitwindow***ec

(3). Type or the name you want -> press

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