It is a well-configured computer, but it is used faster and slower, and some even take 1 minute to open a machine. I believe that there are not a few people who have such experiences. In fact, this is a junk file in the computer. Here is a software that can completely remove junk files, and a computer innocent.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a reverse installation software for the Windows operating system. With its simple and intuitive interface, you can quickly and completely remove programs and files to help keep your computer clean and fast.
1. Download and install
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a shareware with a trial period of 21 days.
Download page:
After downloading, you only need to go all the way "Next" is easy to install.
2. Software Interface
Opening Advanced Uninstaller PRO will let us enter the registration code. If you don't have a registration code or don't want to buy the official right to use, you can choose continue.
The main interface of the Advanced Uninstaller PRO looks very simple and comfortable. There are 7 main functions that, when selected, open the various small functions included in the selected function.
Main Interface Diagram
The seven main functions are from top to bottom:
Common Tools, File and Folder Tools, Browser Tools, Registry Tools, Reports and Information, Help and support, quit.
III. Practical Features
After familiarizing with the software interface, everyone is concerned about the specific functions and usage of Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Here are a few useful features for you.
1.Uninstall Programs under General Tools: Remove the programs installed on your computer. Uninstall can delete the selected program in batches; Forced Uninstall forcibly deletes the selected program, and the forced deletion function is recommended only when the normal deletion cannot be deleted; Properties checks the selected program details; Remove invalid removes the invalid program in the list; Drag and drop uninstall The program is thrown into the recycle bin; entering the program name under search can search for programs that contain these words in their names, saving time in finding programs. And you can rate the program, view comments or write down your comments.
Program Removal
2. Install Monitor under General Tools: Install Monitor, which monitors the actions performed by the installer on your computer and logs the details to a log file, including the added files. Changes to the registry and other information. In this way, when you delete these programs in the future, you can completely delete them and make sure that no junk files are left behind. This is the main function of the software and is recommended. First, open the monitoring function. After the monitoring software is installed, you need to delete the software and select the uninstall monitored application to delete it completely. Again, you need to fix the monitored software and choose to restore the monitored application.
Duplicate Files under 3.File&Folder Tools: Find duplicate files on the hard disk, 0 space files or empty folders, and delete them. Increase the free space on the disk to increase system speed. Settings can specify the files to be deleted, such as file format, file size, whether to delete the system and hidden files. After the setup is complete, click Next.
Duplicate File Deletion
File Shredder under 4.4.File&Folder Tools: File Shredder. Shred the selected file, folder, or disk partition and cannot be recovered by the recovery tool. Protect your privacy and secrets. But be careful when using it, don't smash important files, Advanced Uninstall PRO will ask you to enter "YES" to continue.
5.Add-ons under Internet Browser Tools: Delete or cancel IE toolbars, plugins, get rid of spyware and robber toolbars, and make your IE more smooth. There are two versions of IE and Firefox.
Add-ons Cleanup
6.Registry Cleaner under Registry Tools: Scan and clean up corrupted and useless entries in the registry.
Registry Cleanup
By using these features, I believe that your computer has improved a lot of speed, and when combined with other features, you should be able to restore the speed of the new purchase.
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